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  • [Request] Tailoring bags profile

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by Shadenvy, May 1, 2014.

    1. Shadenvy

      Shadenvy Guest

      Hello there,

      I tried to find such profile, that can make Embersilk, Frostweave and Netherweave Bags out of cloth and dust and buy needed threads, but there was none.
      So, I request someone to make it, I think a lot of people would find it very useful.
    2. mellome

      mellome New Member

      Mar 28, 2012
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      Do you already have the cloth to create the bags? (ie: netherweave cloth, frostweave cloth, embersilk cloth)
      Or do you intend for the bot to farm materials / or buy them from the auction house / retrieve them from the bank?

      Same questions for the dust.

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