Hey guys. So, i've been member of this site for a few weeks now, and i gotta say, I really love what you guys are doing! However, I have a few questions, and a request. After searching the forums wide and thin, im unable to find a profile, that farms the herbs in Uldum (whiptail and azshara's veil) + mining. The reason for that, is that you can make Flask of the Winds, by only farming Uldum (same as Flask of Steelskin, by farming Twilight Highlands) Is there any? If not, would anyone be so kind to make one? Also... How do you guys make money? Currently I have one character with alchemy (flask) and JC (for prospecting) - but im not sure if its worth prospecting ores, as the chance of getting blue gems is kinda low. My other character is a druid with mining + herb, getting materials for my main character. Is this the right thing that im doing? Herbing, making flasks and selling? Getting ores and selling them on the AH, or should I prospect them first? If you don't mind, please give me some feedback, as im not sure which method I should be using to make money. Cheers, Zaicoo!
Oh, that might be.. I was just looking at WoWhead, and I saw it would spawn there. I might be wrong tho? But it looks like that making flasks out of herbs, i just pure stupid, since none voted for it in the poll?
Its only from fishing in uldum. I have alchemy on my char but flasks sells so low on my server. I use shuffling and earning good gold atm.
Shuffling? Could you please explain that to me Vladdan? Hm, currently a flask sells for 70g on my server - is that good or bad??
Call me noob but... I dont get it ^^ I see that u prospect ores, make small gems into rings, and DE them - then what? You sell the big gems on AH. What do you do with the other ores? Whats the spine below Obisidium Ore?
Under obsidium ore you find obsidium bars, and beneath that.. folded obsidium and make stormforged shoulders for DE mats
Ores= raw gems when prospected and bars, which alot of can be converted to items to be DE'ed if you have a BS and JC, the gems which can't be converted to DE mats, you then vendor for 25g a stack.
i think shadowpwn(z?) has a uldum profile, you should give, looking under profiles -> GB2 -> cata -> uldum a try