Hello There is a cave in the Soutsea Holdfast area in Thousand Needles and wondering if someone can make a the bot run around in there killing everything and loot it. This are the ones i want it too kill: Den Whomper - NPC - World of Warcraft. If you need more info just tell me and i will try to give what you need! Thanks in advanced!
Hey, When i try load in the profile this come up: [Compiler Error]: d:\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Development\BallisticVehicle.cs(778,23) : error CS0534: Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviors.BallisticVehicle.BallisticVehicle.QuestGoalType implementerar inte den ärvda abstrakta medlemmen Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviorCore.XmlElements.QuestBehaviorXmlBase.ToXml(string) Warning: Could not parse While body node Changing current profile to Requested Profile And the is just say loading profile forever(waited a few min). When you have time please take a look at it. I were using Grind bot becuase think that what you based it on.
okay dont know if im doing anything wrong, but dont think so, i just start in questing bot and pick the profile and then dat comes up
yes works just fine here, i take it ur HB bot is upto date ? try downloading a new one just to test it on i just downloaded a new one too and works just fine on that one