Ret Pally setup designed to fight hard mobs in twilight and uldum while herbing/mining. Explanation: You'll notice Key6 has holy light, what happens due to gatherbuddies limited macro design, is that by the time 30sec are up, your pally is low on health and by using Divine Please (20sec) and then HolyLight (30sec). The holy light will heal close to 15-20k health, giving your pally another fighting chance. Talent Spec Link: Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft key1: Code: /cast !Crusader Aura /cast X-53 Touring Rocket key3: Eat Key4: Drink key5 (After Resurrection): Code: /castsequence reset=target Devotion Aura, Blessing of Might key 6 (10sec): Code: /castsequence reset=combat Guardian of Ancient Kings, Divine Plea, Holy Light key 7 (6sec): Code: /cast Hammer of Wrath Key 8 (spam): Code: #showtooltip /startattack /castsequence reset=target Crusader Strike, Inquisition, Holy Wrath, Crusader Strike,Templar's Verdict, Judgement, Crusader Strike, Inquisition, Exorcism /cast Avenging Wrath Key9 (buff 5min): Code: #showtooltip /castsequence reset=target Seal of Righteousness, Blessing of Might, !Righteous Fury, !Retribution Aura Key10: (buff 15min) Code: #showtooltip /castsequence reset=target !Retribution Aura, !Righteous Fury, Blessing of Might, Seal of Righteousness
Mad Props for this in good gear...ilevel 330...avg...and was still dying...not any more!! Thank you so very much!!