Hey guys I could use some serious help. I've tried so many different things, and have searched for a few days to figure out the solution to this problem. As I mentioned, my ret paladin is trying to heal itself WHILE WALKING. This results in a VERY obvious studder walk = dead give away that it's a bot. I need to get this fixed ASAP. Things I've tried: 1) minimizing pull distance. - I thought maybe it's trying to attack the next closest target but also has the priority of maintaining a minimum amount of health, so tries to heal. 2) reducing the "ignore targets health" from 95 to 75% - I figure that if it isn't trying to reach 95% HP after a fight then maybe it won't try to heal so many times? not sure.... was worth a shot. 3) under "hotkeys" within class config I have suspend movement - true. duration = 2 seconds. suspend key = 0. I figure if I place the Flash of Light spell in the "0" slot on my action bar then it will suspend movement for a little longer than the duration of the spell if it's used. Although I'm not 100% sure if Honorbuddy likes to use numbers to execute spells or if it uses something else that executes it by name.... Any ideas?? I'm sure I'm not the ONLY ret paladin having this exact same issue. PLEASE HELP.