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  • Rift for 10$ (includes free month) Today only

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by freak4334, Jul 7, 2011.

    1. freak4334

      freak4334 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thought I'd post this for people looking to get back into botting, this is the best deal I've seen so far. (only lasts until noon 7/8/11)

      Save 75% on RIFT on Steam

      EDIT: Sale expired, it's up to $20 now
    2. Darkcollins

      Darkcollins New Member

      May 29, 2011
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      Would this count toward the ascend a friend if it was bought threw steam? Or does it have to be through Riftgame?
    3. hermes

      hermes Guest

      for me it`s shown as 12,49€ :(
    4. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      So for people that have bought the game through steam in the past, how does it work? Does it actually tie your steam account to Rift, or do they just email you a key?

      The reason I ask is because I have over 100 games purchased in steam, and I'm worried that if my account gets banned and its tied to steam, my steam account will be banned as well.

      Any insight on the issue would help.

      Oh, additionally. Buying an account from non-trion sources will count towards the ascend-a-friend. I bought several keys for my friends from eBay and gave them to my friends and I got credit for the ascend-a-friend.
    5. SBananah

      SBananah New Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      I bought :D just for botting!
    6. Redman

      Redman Guest

      This game is on it's way to being free to play, man. They are practically giving it away now, lol. And yes before people chime in, I know it's a limited time offer, but there's been so many of these offers, it's like they feel the incoming onslaught of better MMOs on the way.
    7. Glendrum

      Glendrum New Member

      Jun 13, 2011
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      Its funny and sad at the same time. i was soo AMPED when i first started this game. Looked forward to pushing for lvl 50 and high PVPranking. Now i have both and am pretty much bored out of my damn mind. If i was just now looking at this game to play... i would see 75% off and go... PHHTTT not trying that game, its already dying."

      Where is the awesome World PVP advertised?
    8. Darkcollins

      Darkcollins New Member

      May 29, 2011
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      I've enjoyed the game and have 3 50's. End game pvp is fun and reminds me a little of DAoC. I could see how people coming from WoW would say this game is boring due to the fact there isn't as many bells and whisles yet. Keep in mind marketing and the competition they have with blizzard;this might be a way to pull in more people. In the next 6months there will be a zerg of new games coming out and they know that. Shards are growing everyday and more and more people are playing and paying so I think your assumptions are a bit off. No offense but most people I've heard that are bored of the game are the ones that don't raid end game content OR get owned in pvp. Just my opinion.
    9. kabz80

      kabz80 Guest

      It's $19.99, not $10. It is on sale because of the season, i highly doubt this game will be for that price for a ling time. Rift is a good game, just need to understand it's mechanics, allot of users on this forum came from "HB and GB" which is WOW, Once a person plays WOW and gets used to it, or possibly addicted to it, will say any other game that is MMORPG is garbage. I tired League Of Legends, and many others, I would compare it to WOW, i end up saying "damn this game sucks" go right back to wow. Thing is, if there's any other game out there that is actually good, i would say "THY defiantly STOLE THAT IDEA FROM WOW" lol...
    10. Glendrum

      Glendrum New Member

      Jun 13, 2011
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      My point wasnt intended to be a blast of Rift as much as the impression seeing a game 75% can give to potential new players.
    11. Redman

      Redman Guest

      Game was on sale for $9.99, this included the full game and 30 days of gameplay through Steam. Read the entire thread before posting, it helps most the time. Also, they just had a 4th of July sale where the game was $4.99, but this was just the game and no gameplay time. A couple weekends before that they had a "father's day" sale. They are currently have a savings deal on monthly fees going on right now as well. Also the whole "season sale" defense is not very accurate, what other games that just recently came out are dropping their MSRP by 75% right now? So yeah you tell me what other successful MMOs who were only 5 months into their lifespan dropped their product cost? And I for one wasn't comparing this MMO to WoW, I am one of the few who will tell people to play Rift instead because it's a better alternative than WoW. WoW wasn't the first MMO and won't be the last, so people need to stop using it as their back-up analogy.
    12. Darkcollins

      Darkcollins New Member

      May 29, 2011
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      World of Warcraft already had a fairly big following with there rts so there wasn't much need to pull many people in with cheap prices, BUT about a month after beta they did have price drops on the game. It wasn't as many but they did. Either way, I think its a good observation on your part Redman. I think the biggest threat will be SW:OR and possibly GW2, and maybe in a couple years the "next gen mmo" blizz will release. Oh and the "Fathers day" sale was just a way to get people with banned account back in again. luls
    13. Redman

      Redman Guest

      Yeah, I had a chance to play SW:TOR at PAX last year, and that game was a lot of fun. GW2 will definitely be good, specially with no monthly fee, haha! I may give Tera Online a whirl too, the real time combat looks interesting.

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