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  • rndbuddy - gathering and monitoring suite

    Discussion in 'Uncataloged' started by roboto, May 16, 2014.

    1. roboto

      roboto Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      May 25, 2013
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      How does it work?
      we gathered all nodes for all zones and stored them in our database, yourt plugin communicates with our servers and will download a unique profile on demand. this way you dont need to buy or create any profile, and you will never be LCP banned because every profile is unique and will only be served onced!
      those profiles rndbuddy creates underly a quality asurance task which will tune your profile to give you at least 160 nph - better results are common.

      Multiple Important Security Features
      rndbuddy brings multiple features such as Targeting Log, Followers Detection, Chatlog, Screenshot Support, Notification to Mobile Phones (Whatsapp and SMS) - making it the most advanced monitoring plugin ever created

      Bringing back the safety to Gatherbuddy2
      rndbuddy aims to bring safety to Gatherbuddy2 users! Most Users get banned because they use the same profile over and over and over again, it doesnt matter if those are paied, public or private ones, most of them will be detected within some days. by serving unique profiles for every user, rndbuddy eliminates this risk!

      Stable version available for free, only at the BuddySTORE

      Features (more and more to come)
      • crowd based collection of nodes and blackspots - so every one using this plugin helps the crowd
      • Profile generator completely rewritten - it's even more random and awensome now!
      • Fetches it's own gatherbuddy Profile on Demand
      • No More visit-a-website-to-get-api-key -- there's a nice interface
      • Checks User Movement and logs out if bot is stuck
      • Character and Map based Farm-Zone selection (only current Map is beeing farmed)
      • automatically refreshes profile when near last profile node - helps to avoid LCP in case you finish a given profile too soon
      • remote control your toon - start, stop and kill the bot
      • intelligent movement and dismounting when close above a node
      • selectable modules per toon
      • accepts invites from lvl25 guilds
      • anti-afk helper
      • logs chat and whisper messages
      • detects GM Whispers
      • Whatsapp, sms & Email Notifications
      • Detailed performance Stats (NPH over time and by zone)
      • Farming Zone Selection by Character Level (eg. dont farm uldum if lvl < 83)
      • Screenshot support
      • Screenshot and notification support on certain events (died, lvup, ...)
      • Follower detection
      • Random jump support
      • Timed kill
      • Monitoring Modules that can stay active even when you're not running GB/PB
      • Includes Professionbuddy Profiles that vendors your earnings and picks up mail
      • detects what you want to farm (herbs or ores) and generates a profile ignores the unwanted ones
      • Professionbuddy Profile is able to farm, smelt ores, deposit on ah or on guildbank
      • Mixed Mode support


      how to get a api key?
      How to configure the zones:
      check the manual

      Is my character name saved on the servers?
      Not your real one! rndbuddy creates a hash (Hash function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) and uses this hash to identify you with rndbuddy master server. The hasing process is done locally, there is no way to reverse that hash

      How many requests do you serve?
      see for yourself:

      is professionbuddy supported?

      can i level my professions with rndbuddy
      yes, you can train Herb and Mine via Professionbuddy in pandaria

      what nph are common?
      rndbuddy tries to achieve round 130-150 NPH, you can see the individual zone report by visiting this website: performance stats | rndbuddy

      Stable version available for free, only at the BuddySTORE

      If you feel like rndbuddy helped you to make money be so fair and donate to this project. It takes a lot of Time, Effort and of cause Money to provide this Service. So if you want to help, feel free to DONATE
    2. roboto

      roboto Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      May 25, 2013
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      Client Changelog
      added customizeable unmount_distance
      lowered unmount distance from 20 to 15
      ProfileHandler.cs no longer loads EmptyProfile before changing to new
      crowdsourcer nodes are now fought (order by distance) instead of distancesqr
      rndbuddy.cs::Dispose() now properly disposes all Timers
      removed arg[3] in HttpPost()
      added node.isValid check to crowdsourcer
      num_stucks >= settings.max_stucks(instead of >) in movement_controller
      properly cought HttpPost Exceptions
      fixed uncought exception in NetworkDiagnostics.cs:ping_host
      movement_watcher.last_moved is now set to now when singular waits to recover from fight
      added wowmovement.stop() to unmount function
      movement_watcher will now kill HB only after 5 bad ticks
      movements are no longer tracked when in capital city
      professionbuddy profilehaner now differs between train herb and train mining tasks
      added silent ping of rndbuddys frontend servers
      added NetworkDiagnostics

      productive versions will now only be deployed via BuddySTORE, googlecode svn will be shut down
      config files are now stored in AppData
      non-ressource assets are no longer fought from google code
      changed log color to purple from blue

      http communication is now threaded again
      HttpPost is now properly Disposed
      only server tasks that really need a reponse do read the response stream now - speeds up many tasks
      server will no longer open session containers if there's no need to
      brought Questbot Status to Webinterface
      brought NPH Status to Webinterface
      added BC:is_questbot
      added BC:is_on_gatherbot_duty
      restyled signup form
      brought images to ressource
      added unstuck_attempt for gathering tasks
      removed sell of life / water spirits from PB Templates for 0,1,530,571
      added kill_hb
      reduced front-logging, more silent logging
      added readResponse to HTTP Post method, speeds up many HTTP Tasks
      many optimizations
      dealt with stuck issues

      changed train mine to train professions as both professions are beein trained
      fixed bug in replace:train_professions
      fixed bug in blackspot suggest form (zoneID was mapID)
      added Sell Water Spirit
      added Sell Life Spirit
      added Train Herb
      added Train Mine
      increased SafeStart timer to 25 seconds (up from 15)
      added PB profile for kalimdor (experimental)
      added PB profile for Eastern Kingdoms (experimental)

      added frontend #3 - located in US, atlanta
      added SafeStart
      Timer kill in GuiSettings will now count down the seonds until wow gets killed
      Timer Grace Period will now count down the seconds until a GracePeriod is expired
      added checkbox to Suggest_Blackspot form to stop continous refresh of XYZ Position

      added support for MixedMode Botting (GB+DB||BGBuddy)
      added Blackspot Submission tool
      heartbeat errors are now logged silent
      playerTarget reporter no longer reports if you're not on a Gathering Task (like when using Enyo and rndbuddy is used for tracking only)

      added option to web interface to choose default rndbuddy server

      wiped database of all characters
      rewrote Hash Function

      removed threaded server communication
      removed all StyxWoW.Sleep() and Thread.Sleep() calls
      minor changes to logging behavior and spelling

      Added Professionbuddy Profiles for Outlands and Northrend
      fixed bug that was causing to profiletimer to continue when second bot of professionbuddy was combatbot
      added welcome message to log the frontend you're on
      added option to place mats in guildbank
      added ah and gbank to be toggleable

      2.8.0 u1
      fixed bug that causes issues with HBRelog
      added option to smelt ores in bag to ores (requires Professionbuddy)
      movement watcher will not log out when bot is recovering without food/drink

      added several new commands for professionbuddy
      crowdsourcer ignores disabled (phased-out) nodes
      restyled gui_settings
      fixed bug in settings gui where an exception would be thrown if plugin was not active or settings file was non existent
      LogWatcher Stuck Detect only reports stuck when using a gather botbase
      Movement_watcher only watches you when using a gather botbase
      added professionbuddy support to profileHandler
      moved all stopwatches to timers
      moved profile refresh out of Pulse()
      profilegenerator now only serves those type of node you want to harvest (herbs or ore)
      heartbeat now submits your current botbase
      rewrote http post function
      changed http timeout from infinite to 30 seconds
      added option to let rndbuddy track other botbases

      optimized crowdsourcer, added a limit to collection distance (should prevent some excetions)
      encrypted http server trafic
      added option to webinterface to disable GB2 Settings overwrite
      http errors are now logged silent to logfile
      increase max timeout of http communications to infinite
      styled settings window, added toggle for debug options, aligned text
      jumps can now also be issued when stuck on ground (requires stuck mod to be enabled)

      Added random jump (disabled by default)
      Added followers detection (disabled by default)
      Added Timed Kill option (to be selected from actions window)
      movement_watcher will now first try to load a new profile before killing wow
      reduced unmount grace period from 30 to 25

      TreeRoot will stop now when rndbuddy was not able to Initialize
      moved movementcontroller.cs to movement_controller.cs
      moved movement_controller.cs:graceperiod to settings for easier modification
      added rndbuddy.cs:logsilent
      crowdsourcer.cs and PlayerSecurity.cs exceptions will be logged silently
      added rndbuddy.cs:logcrit
      displaying grace period in gui_settings
      made gui_settings window bigger and restyled some stuff
      added server_pipe.cs:notify
      added screenshot support on certain events

      added screenshot support
      Gatherbuddy settings are now automaticly overwritten to provide best results
      further optimizations
      fixed another issue that might cause stucks

      fixed stuck issues on most systems
      added "hold"-period to movement watcher (will only dismount every 8 seconds)
      added several status updates to HB TreeRoot
      reworked movementwatcher - no longer depending on Pulse()
      added level check (you wont get a zone whichs' range is higher than your acual lvl, even if it's enabled)
      changed wag message
      added public performance report (performance stats | rndbuddy)
      preps for followers detection
      gatherbuddy2 is selected on start
      bot autostart (can be toggled online)
      added fancy message to key_override (the form that opens to enter a existing api key) that notifies users that rndbuddy_tk keys are not valid (i hope now everyone will get it...)
      added whatsapp account confirmation
      push remote settings to client

      optimized unmount routine
      added performance log
      threaded several secondary http tasks (merged from 2.7.2)
      fixed bug where users were using testing enviroment in last revision
      added waitforlag at some places

      2.7.2 optional update
      moved several secondary HTTP tasks to run in own thread

      added whatsapp and email notifications
      added kill on GM Whisper

      added utf8 support
      added playersecurity.targeted detection
      added PlayerSecurity.chat logger
      fix for crowdsourcer to not collect nodes when zoneID =0
      fixed unmount module to stop first and dismount afterwards
      fix in unmount module to unmount only when really above a node and not underneath

      changed dismounting behaviour. will now dismount only when above a node, not under

      makes uses of crowd-farmed nodes
      auto guild invite accept (when level >=25)

      changed some small things that might help some people encountering bigs

      Monitoring client stucks now

      Added ability to remotely enable or disable certain modules

      added movement enhancements (bot will dismount when near a node) - while testing, this feature brought me about +20% nph

      tiny tweaks and fixes
      different log color

      added versioncheck
      added isIndoor check to crowdsourcer

      enabled crowd-sourcing
      while you run rndbuddy it collects all nodes around you. your profiles performance is beeing used together with the nodes you harvested to score them and to make rndbuddys profiles even better
      this feature is - at this point - a collect-only feature. it's results will be added to the generator when there's enough data available.

      fixed some typos
      preps for performance reporter

      preps for performance monitoring feature

      enabled basic command pipe features
      you're now able to start, stop, kill and force profile refresh of your bot

      automatically refreshes profile when near last profiles node
      this way you wont repeat any profile

      Added way to enter a already existing api key when running the plugin with a new character.
      This way you dont have to verify your email multiple times.
      Please note, that old rndbuddy_tk keys wont work!

      see svn log for detailed changelog
      gui form no more se-sizeable, added some neccesary data to post

      initial release

      Server Changelog

      added screenshot delete button (delets on both imgur and rndbuddys server)

      added several ajax refresh functions for character overview and individual characters
      added Keep-Alive to ucp
      added option to select desired professionbuddy zone
      added option to set mail/sell for item qualities
      added option to professionbuddy to toggle ore smelting on/off
      added Charcopy function

      added toggle function to see bots status fast
      added 2 more servers to frontend for loadbalancing (you can see which server you're on at the bottom line of ucp)
      fixed typos

      added level check on generation
      added command to push remote settings
      too long slugs are beeing cut now (str>23)
      password reset option
      dynamic blackspot radius based on reliability
      nph history
      ... more that i cant remember

      added password reset on hp
      added fancy 404 and general error sites (pikaswag!)

      blackspots are now properly served with a radius

      blackspots improved (rel>=3)
      mailboxes reworked
      generating algorythm optimized

      uses crowdfarmed nodes and blackspots

      added some more mailboxes to kalimdor/horde

      enabled expansion01, northrend and HawaiiMainLand Map

      initial release

      Known Issues
      • must be restarted when changing map (continent)
      • hb must be restarted once to activate api key (recompile helps aswell)
      • when in some of these areas (azyrmythos island, eversong woods) a profile for outlands will be generated (cause: same mapID)
      Last edited: Nov 4, 2014
    3. alexandervba

      alexandervba New Member

      Nov 4, 2012
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      I have it up and running and it works.

      But everytime it collects a herb for example, after it tries to mount. And rndbuddy allways dismounts once...

      Why is that?

      log looks like this:

      [Gatherbuddy2]: Blacklisting current node after 3 failed attempts
      Mounting: Swift Purple Wind Rider
      [rndbuddy] Dismounting
      Mounting: Swift Purple Wind Rider
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Green Tea Leaf" at X="1083.281" Y="-977.9202" Z="223.1662"
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Green Tea Leaf" at X="1083.281" Y="-977.9202" Z="223.1662"
      [rndbuddy] Dismounting
    4. maxbrand99

      maxbrand99 New Member

      Sep 11, 2014
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      same here. I have tried whatsapp and 3 different emails from 2 different providers.
    5. Piet01

      Piet01 New Member

      Apr 21, 2014
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      I am still not able to see rndbuddy in my plugins list, has it been put offline for maintenance?
    6. roboto

      roboto Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      May 25, 2013
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      ty for that, i will look at this as soon as HB is stable

      emailing issues are beeing looked at, please check your spam folder tho

      full log pls

      i did not change anything related to rndbuddy since was released, that was half a week ago.
      if products disappear from your Plugin panel, please make sure streming of those is enabled at the store.
      besides that, please, honorbuddy, in it's current state is a test release. this means that there are multiple bugs inside HB and the bot itself should not be used in productive enviroments.

      i will look at all bugs as soon as HB is available as a release version, before that point it does not make any sense!
    7. alexandervba

      alexandervba New Member

      Nov 4, 2012
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      my problem is fixed, i didnt have autoloot on, so it didnt loot... Thats why it dismounted to try and loot it again.
    8. roboto

      roboto Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      May 25, 2013
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      k ty
      send me the log pls, i will file a bug report regarding GB2
    9. roboto

      roboto Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      May 25, 2013
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      e-mail issues should be fixed i think
    10. Trixiap

      Trixiap Member

      Nov 18, 2010
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      My problem was same also on 748 (last stable before 6.0.2) so it is probably not problem of unstable/test release of HB
    11. Killerbiene

      Killerbiene New Member

      Dec 9, 2012
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      @roboto: ist that a rndbuddy problem or hb bug? -----> [rndbuddy silent] give many some bad error messages and then wow/hb crash every 1sec-40m :O

      Attached Files:

    12. tomit12

      tomit12 Member

      Dec 24, 2010
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      Is there a way to have the bot dump stuff in the gbank prior to having full bags? With mining / herbalism bags, and stuff stacking to 200, it would take forever to actually fill them, then I'd have to spend weeks slowly parceling out the ridiculous amount of ore and herbs. :D

      Being able to have it call the dump every 3 - 4 profile refreshes would be ideal, for me.
    13. brainAbuddy

      brainAbuddy Active Member

      Aug 12, 2010
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      could it be possible to add an option that would make it possible that it would farm in the land/map it's currently is.
      so when I started in outlands and I use PB to go to pandaria it would farm in pandaria and not trying to farm in outlands
    14. swag2450

      swag2450 New Member

      Oct 20, 2014
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      I am unable to receive email/whatsapp API keys... :( I've checked spam folder and had it sent to two different emails.
    15. Beetlebomb

      Beetlebomb New Member

      Jan 1, 2011
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      Same. Tried two different emails and my phone number. Still haven't received my api key :(
    16. roboto

      roboto Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      May 25, 2013
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      i will rework the whole api process,
      meanwhile message me on skype to help me set you up
    17. roboto

      roboto Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      May 25, 2013
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      i have just commited a fix that will change the way how emails are delivered.
      it might take a few hours until all nodes are aware of that change but i'll be now using mandrill as MTA
    18. Soveyhawk1978

      Soveyhawk1978 New Member

      Aug 28, 2014
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      another question why is my toons flying so damn high like higher then normal? all of them fly super high and movement looks weird as it moves forward it looks like its adjusting height or trying to adjust the height of how high they are. and also your safe timer keeps disconnecting my toons it shuts them down 100% im having to restart these bots every few minutes, oing something wrong?
    19. swag2450

      swag2450 New Member

      Oct 20, 2014
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      Got it immediately now!

      Thank you!!

      EDIT: started running it, and I LOVE IT. Works flawlessly to level so far! Thank you Roboto for your hard work!
    20. Killerbiene

      Killerbiene New Member

      Dec 9, 2012
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      reply myself: its come from rndbuddy^^ tested now long time without plugin and only gb2 with standart big profile, no crash nothing, with plugin =( ^^ - i think new hb makes problem or plugin ? ?^^

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