I am currently working on Insane in the Membrane and the only thing I have left are collecting Heavy Junkboxes. I have tried a variety of different profiles and using Singular, Prox's FTW Pick Pocket, and CLU as my CC. Every time the profiles either walk close to targets, say they are pick pocketing, and then walk away without doing anything, or they initiate combat without pick pocketing. Does anyone know of a working pick pocket CC right now?
Bal, try the Botanist profiles for Heavy Junkbox farm from Isle of Quel'Danas, and you will love it! My lvl 85 rogue farmed tons of boxes there for 2-3 days I tested it! If you have problems with other rogues, since its a CRZ, aim with oqueue, and get invited to some worldboss raid or Ordos/Celestials, so you could change the CRZ till you find empty enough Good luck!