Hey DEVs, can we have this addressed please? https://www.thebuddyforum.com/heart...y-support/244668-lagging-creature-attack.html https://www.thebuddyforum.com/heart...55-unnecessary-sleep-actions.html#post2212895 Logs are here: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/heart...55-unnecessary-sleep-actions.html#post2212884 I see it with 2(3) fixes: 1) Faster action moves, something between x1,5-x2 faster. Atm bot moves are as fast as my touch pad moves. 2) No animation delay (or just small random one) after face attack. 3) Wishlist: no animation delay (or just small random one) after action that is not changing minion numbers state of board (nothing died, nothing spawned). Why this is priority? Since to have bot play like a pro we need zillion logs with explanations posted here and this not going to happen any soon (not mention hundreds of hours to code it), imo and what I want to see is EFFICIENCY. My zoolock (fast win or lose option really) takes 4,5h to farm 26 wins with 83% winrate daily. With above solved I'm looking forward to see it takes 2,5h to do so.
this has been discussed already,use search plz timestamps on your log files are normal,our priority is the stability of Hb
Could you please make a workaround for this? If attack is face and attacking minion has no action trigger then do not calculate board state again or make a fast calc with low params? Empire strikes back in zoo/disco/lock decks https://www.thebuddyforum.com/heart...legend-otisright-post2338711.html#post2338711