So I got myself a new botting pc (phenom 2 6x, 16gb ram) and tried to run 3 vms with 2x wow on each with no success - neither vmware nor virtual box were able to handle the graphics of that many wow instances. The reason I wanted to do this, was to route each machines network traffic through a vserver and thus get different IPs. Now I know there are other ways to do this, but I wanted my own, clean and stable IPv4 adress - so please don't start now with pingbuster... My last resort now is to figure out if there's a way to isolate one application and route its network traffic through a vpn (and thus run all 6 wows on the host system, serving each with its own ip-address). I tried to google it, but aperantly that idea is not that common Does anyone of you know if that even is possible with windows? PS: Another idea I just got: If there's no way to isolate an application, coult it be possible to start wow under a specific user and restrict that users internet access somehow only on one route or nic? PPS: Another think: How reliable is WoW on using specific outgoing ports for their communication?
Adding additional security by not connecting my accounts with the same ip address - as noone can say for sure if blizzard never takes that into consideration. @Stefan: I'll have a look at it later and report back, thanks!
what i did: made my pc a vpn server, conected to it using the same pc, shared wow but when i double click wow to start, and while i was connected via vpn wow starts only on the main frame, as so when i disconnect vpn wow is running because i've started it in the vpn session.. i have no idea how to run wow via vpn, so if someone here knows maybe he can clarify this to us..
Do you confuse us? That's what I want to do, but from what I can tell florienb wants to create a local vpn and root all traffic to that - so root all traffic to localhost, like one big loop. No idea what that should be good for. Maybe he can explain again. @lepton17: That would have cost me more then double the price of my machine. Also: on those 4 VMs you run 8 WoWs?
Not sure where you buy your parts from but it shouldn't cost more than ~?75 to go from Phenom II x6 to i5 2500K. And they run 16 accounts, around 40% CPU usage. To your original question: I don't know if you can run a single program through a different network (probably can with some sort of wrapper) but it's pointless doing so (search around the forums and you'll see why).
Again: all this happens in multiple VMs? I'm sure I could run even more accounts on my host machine, but that's not the point of this thread. Also: An i5 is way slower than a 6-core Phenom. I think you simple don't get it, that I'm talking about tons of accounts within seperate VMs. I searched and couldn't find any logical reason why that might be pointless. Also it's a general IT-question and has nothing to do with botting explicitly. If you mean that you have the opinion that Blizzard ignores same ip-adresses, then great for you but it's just a speculation and as i statet above, I not looking for any smart-ass opinions but rather for help solving a technological challenge. Argueing about if it is necessary can be done in other threads - preferably with people who think making 5k gold gold is alot...