Older HB settings had a chance to set the same flying mount for ground mount aswell. Atm i have to set one ground mount and a different flying mount. Is there a way to use single mount for flying and ground mounting?
Is there a reason why? It used to be. I think it looks a bit odd when my toon flies to hotspot and then dismounts and mounts a ground mount. I know this is a profile thing, but at least it would look more "natural" if it woudn't change mount.
Hi, Sniikki, What you are referring to, we call a "hybrid mount". Such mounts have problems when placed on the mesh, and cause problems when Honorbuddy is making decisions. The problems stem from the fact that Honorbuddy has two disjoint navigation systems— one for 'ground' navigation, and one for 'flying' navigation. There currently is no viable 'unified' navigation system that can operate in a reasonable period of time. We disallowed hybrid mounts to prevent having to address the thousands of boundary conditions that we were encountering due to the architectural necessity. cheers, chinajade