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    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by leeg00, Sep 17, 2014.

    1. leeg00

      leeg00 New Member

      Feb 24, 2010
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      I normally don't use BGBuddy, but I loaded it up and did a random BG. The first one was Alterac Valley. The Bot runs up to Belinda and attacks her. While its attacking her it detects a player outside the building... So it runs outside the building and attacks the player. Then I started noticing the whole raid that was in that building (probably 15 or more) was doing the same thing. Here was 15 obvious bots that was attacking the mob and then a wave would run outside to take one player.... Someone in the chat window said "alliance has figured it out, they all go to Belinda and kill all the bots that are stuck there and rinse and repeat.) I thought it was kind of funny... Needless to say, AV will not be on my list...
    2. DaSoul

      DaSoul Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Nothing new here. It is well known, that BGBuddy isn't "safe" in such cases.

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