So I'm a dummy and trying to get four WoW windows to divide up my 1680x1050 evenly, can someone help me figure out the resolution and window positions to do this? I dont care about the GB placements, they can just be hidden in the back.. I want to make the windows biggers o I can watch them easier during gather leveling in Cata.. I feel dumb asking But I thought I could divide the reso by 4 but yeah way too small.
I think your trying to do what Pwnboxer or Keyclone does.. which is really difficult with out Vista or one of the programs I mentioned.
Yeah I thoguht about ISBoxer or what not, but figured was just a matter of numbers to put into the relogger program, which I've messed with now and think I got a decent setup using the window position tool. I was just trying to get a decent reso then make sense of how ot position the windows based on the reso