Hi, My friend recently got back his hacked and banned wow account, Since he now has a new account under the same bnet and its better geared than his previous accounts 80s he said he would trade me it for like 10k gold (great deal i know ) anyway, he doesnt mind me having his pword but id personally rather sepperate the accounts into 2x dif bnets as if i get it banned and his main acc gets banned he would quite literally kill me as hes never botted etc in his life and his acc is 100% hand played.
I think the only way seperating the account's from battle net is ringing up the support line (but you better think of a excuse if they ask why you want to seperate the account, and dont say cause you bought it lol), apart from that there is no oher way to seperate it.
I didnt really want to pay for another acc. What if I get him to say hes giving it to his brother and he doesnt want him knowing his password.
I think the account he want's to buy for 10k has multiple level 80's (from what i can understand from his statement) so it would be bank breaker if he wanted to transfer all the level 80's
Yes, but not only is 4.0 set to launch in the next few days but why would i waste money on a new account if I can get this one separated for free?
You will need all the account information and they will probaly ask for photo identification which i doubt your friend will give you, and you need to make up a bull shit excuse why you want them seperated so c'mon you really think you have the chance to get it seperated?
you can get them seperated, i made an emial account that i wanted the accounts moving to, then phone blizz and told them what i wanted doing and they asked why so i told them it was for my son to play on the other account and i didnt want him to have my battle.net password i wanted him to have his own battle.net and password.
Ringing them up with a bs yet convincing reason would be the best way. It probably would be best to get your friend to ring as the account is registered to the phone number and adress he will be ringing from.