So I have a bot on a server which I want to transfer to my main accounts server. Well, this bot has about 200k gold in stock. Because of the limitation to 50k to take with you I have to spend some gold and here's my question. Would it be possible to spend 150k to Darkmoon Cards, Vial of Sands, BoE epics etc., keep this stuff in you inventory and start the transfer or will it be recognized that you have some expensive stuff there. If it would be possible, I could sell the stuff on the new server and I wouldn't lose the gold. What about your bank? Will it be transfered too or do I lose the stuff in my bank?
gbank wont be.. items in inventory will be before cata came out, i bought more than a dozen mechano hog mounts and sold them on my new realm after i transferred. I transferred almost 500k that way including gold + other stuff
One more question ... What happens to your personal bank (not gbank)? Can I fill it up before my transfer or should I sell everything?