Hey hey, not wanting to get these 2 new accounts banned. Leveled the characters on Outland, but am having second thoughts since theres so much traffic in MOP 24/7. Should i bot on a lower populated server and screw the .3 $ /1k gold difference? OR!! can i level 2 new characters on a Riddiculously lol populated server, and loginto my char on outland, invite the char on the low server and get the server x-fer and BOT on on Outland except with nobody to report me.. Does anybody do this? is it worth the hassle of doing? pls get back to me
i wouldnt do it, it was worth it, but since connected realms will come soon, there is no point, since even low pop realms will have good traffic
atm you will have problems selling your stuff on low pop realms as there are no buyers that's what I experienced a few times. I think that mid pop are best
BGBuddy, Alterac Valley to blend in with all the other botters lol. I've got 3 accounts on this realm , it's ok if you know what you're doing.
Its very doable, several months ago leveled myself 2x DKs one ally/horde on two dead realms, and running the same scheme, but recently got some huge lag, when questing in CRZ Pandaria, even on dead server - tested it last week, and got some great spikes - not my net problems, but server ones. When i dropped CRZ party, everything went fine. And these Connected realms probably would partially "ruin" the deadness of these servers - we will see
what im saying is i bot on say Outland. sell all my stuff there, but i invite my Outland toon to a grp with a character thats on a dead server.. but yea ur right totally forgot about the server connected realms
there making everything more inter-connected, mostly for server usage to drop like a stone resulting in more profit.