[01:24:27.443 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: Auth Session is invalid [01:24:27.443 Q] Session is invalid! when you get "invalid session" its because your machine lost connection to the auth server. try flushing your dns Flush DNS - What's My DNS? reset your host file back to default. How to Reset Hosts File to Default in Windows? - AskVG and try power cycling your home router. make sure theres nothing on your end that could be causing connection issues.
i've tried all of this but shortly after making the thread i figured it had something to do with my isp connecting to the auth server but nothing else is being affected, i'll try all that again though
unfortunately it would be on your end. the auth server is working and has been fine, so somewhere between you and our auth server there are issues.
since i see a few other people with similiar issues my isp is mediacom in ankeny iowa, hope this gets resolved sometime soon, cheers.
like i said there not much i can do, just make sure its not on your end, and be patient. sometimes these problems clear themselves.