Hi, I think it would be a nice feature / option that we could switch our session from HB to GB and vice versa. Of course it requires a bit of generosity from Bossland.
well you see... GB has a 5 EUR/month sub to it, and HB doesn't. Just snag lifetime x3 sessions and you'll be fine. I have lifetime x15 sessions (started with 3) and I don't regret it at all, it paid for itself in a week (lifetime x3 sessions)
Well you say this because you're using HB/GB to sell gold, but I think there are many people including myself that just wanna fill up their gold needs and level their characters... For example I've finished the leveling job using HB so I don't need HB anymore but i'd need GB to get gold easier
I think it may have been answered already but topic is already opened..Is it possible to upgrade, so I'd pay 55€ instead of 80€ ?
yes,just open a new thread on payments section requesting the upgrade dont forget to include your existing invoice id