This question is going out to hawker / bossland. Is HB supporting 5 sessions in RAF mode? or is it still 3 sessions? if, yes it is 5 sessions then tell me. if, no then I'd like to ask if there is a way so RAF can be 5 sessions so you don't need a second HB lifetime just for that.
I own HB RAF and I am able to run five RAF sessions. My understanding of HB RAF is that you can run a maximum of five simultaneous logins/connections.
HB RAF $39.99 - 5 Sessions (leveling bots or RAF bots. However you want to do it, you get 5 sessions) HB $14.99 - 1 Session. (leveling or RAF, but you only get 1 session)
so pressume this if i buy the RAF sessiosn does it mean it counts up with the existing 3 sessions we already got? or is it bundled with them?
this sucks, my paypal doesn't work so I can't try it out cause I'm dire to get this up as it would mean dungeon farming triumph badges on several characters.
Don't get too carried away in regards to dungeon farming, it may not be as simple and straightforward as you expect it to be. Not to sound silly or anything, but you will be playing the tank correct? HB is not capable of 100% botted instance runs. Almost all of the current CC's (in the release thread) are not suitable (in my personal opinion) of dungeon farming for one reason or another. Most of them take too long between casting spells and it greatly reduces the efficiency. I have a number of specifically written CC's that I use for instance farming, there is no self-preservation code and they are designed for pure DPS. What classes do you plan on using?
got a lock,warriordpsfury,hunter,priest,warriortank,dk dps. priest for healer ofc or a pala i got. would like to go with that group.
In my experience any melee class has been troublesome to get working with instance. My group is made up of casters (Druid, Shaman, Mage, Warlock). I don't want to put you off but I do think it will be difficult setting up a successful instance RAF group with that many melee classes.
hmmm I got a question.. if you have several accounts botting, then you use another account at the same time on which you really play on (e.g. BG, dungeon, or you'd like to help your RAF botting accounts, etc.) would that account still be considered using a third party program? sorry, I do not know much about programming. Thanks in advance
There are no clear lines what blizzard does to botter who get busted and or if they ban more then one or more accounts at same time. Iwe heard of people who have never been botting on account A but been doing so on account B but both got closed. Tied up with same visa or same names. I myself have been banned once and only then did one of several account get closed. So my guess is that they only close the accused account. I have even had a GM go through a account iwe been botting on for 5 years and everything was just fine. (Im EU player)