How do I get Shamwow to run as resto??? When I run it with instancebuddy, even spec'd as resto, it tries to go as elemental???? Any help is appreciated..
Jlmccown, Sorry to hear you were experiencing an issue. I would need a debug log file attached to look into this issue further for you. You'll also want to post in the ShamWOW thread for issues encountered using that CC. As for quick suggestions on how to proceed, switch to resto before loading HB. In the ShamWOW RaF options, selecting Healing Only. If you have any further issues with this, please see the "How do I post and issue?" topic in the ShamWOW FAQ . Let me know if I can be of further help, Bobby53
I did a complete reinstall of everything and now he is doing ele. Funny thing and I am sure its just a glitch or something. I stopped the bot, switched back to enh and started the bot and it didn't know what to do. So I shut down wow, and the bot. Rebooted both and enh was running like normal. This is something new to me about just switching specs and trying to bot and I personally don't think it should work. I think I am just playing with stuff and screwing it up.