Shattered Core Farm-Headhunting Head of Zoltun Kulle for garunteed Ancient Guardian 1. What it does? Kill The Ancient Guardian Farms Shattered Core legendary material for the Devestator Usually runs into the Keywarden 2. What you need? Access to Act 2 Quest 6.1 - The Forgotten Ruins 3. Versions Safe - To Kill in Oasis and Forgotten Ruins then use : Shattered Core - The Head Some Risk - To skip all mobs in Oasis and run straight to Ruins then kill everything there use : Shattered Core - The Head(run) Changes v1.2 added enable combat tag to the beginning of the normal profile, extended wait timer after guardian kill to allow more accurate looting v1.3 Changed death count from 1 to 3 **All credit for this profile belongs to rrix, I simply modified a portion of his profile to fit this need
Thanks for your work, works great. Maybe somehow do keywarden and elites even with fast run. would be good but maybe i can just set up trinity for that.
Gonna give this a go now... Not a fan of the "Run" version even on a beefy barb =D the slow steady clear version is working well so far ~ will report back shortly with full update ** Beautiful profile 3 flawless runs.. finally got a core after farming for like 12312 years it seemed =) well played sir ! TYVM
When I get some time I could probably blacklist all the normal mobs or you could set trinity -> Combat -> Misc -> Minimum Trash Mob Pack Size to something like 10 or larger and run the normal profile.
I tried using TrinityCombatIgnore tags which DB recognized and said it added them to a list but it still attacks everything on the map. Sorry man I don't know if this is currently doable, set your trash range to 0 and pack size to 4 or greater should make it similar to what you want.
Which one are you using and in your Plugin>Trinity>Combat>Misc settings make sure that Ignore Elite/Rare/Unique is not checked
I've tried to run both profiles but won't fight at all while still running across dahlgur oasis and dies before making it to Ruins. How do I fix this? Thanks
check your DemonBuddy Bot settings and make sure that the kill radius and other slide bars are set appropriately, any other combat issues could be related to Trinitiy so make sure that you have the most current one which at the time of this post is Trinity 1.8.23
Does everything perfectly except..It randomly passes up deaths breaths that are 2 feet away from him. Doesn't pick up items after he kills the ancient guardian (including shattered cores), just starts porting to town. I've looked through options to see if theres something wrong with the loot pickup settings but cant find anything. Using latest Trinity and demon beta
There is definitely something wrong with the looting and fighting in this profile. He does not fight at all in the oasis and when he finally does kill the mob that drops the core he just starts porting out without looting it. All my combat and loot pick-up settings are fine.
sorry guys I was on vacation, adding a longer wait timer after Guardian kill If you want it to fight through oasis do not run the profile with (run) in the name, that one turns combat off in the oasis and back on in the ruins,
hey great profile how can i change the death count to higher because when i die he allways starts new game....plz help
My Trinity settings are fine but it doesn't matter whether I run the Head or the Run version of the profile, my barb won't fight in oasis. He does fight in the Ruins. I'm using Call of the Ancients and have a 4-piece IK set which allows them to last until they die. I would want my barb to cast Call of the Ancients as soon as he enters oasis, on his way to ruins and just recast it if necessary. How do I do this?