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  • Should I bot a 2nd account

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by ntlntl, Dec 25, 2010.

    1. ntlntl

      ntlntl New Member

      Dec 21, 2010
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      Currently my Bro quit game. I'm also busy as well. I have little time to spend on this game. I decided to play "for fun". It means PVP in BGs and some Arena. Raiding is something luxurious, it cost 3-4 hours and extend time to prepare to raid, gear up. I have 2 accounts now, 1 CATA, 1 WOLK

      I found HB, and tried it. I got a pally to 26 smoothly (tauren pally is big, so he got stuck sometimes). My bro's 80 druid gather northen herbs, earned like 2000g in 2 days from northen Herbs only.

      I'm not sure how much gold a day I can make by boting in Cata regions (berb, mining). If its around 3000g + 1 day, then its 30,000 g 1 month. It can pay the gametime as well. But is it really worth it? Effort to level, change prof to gathering, risk of being banned for trading gold...etc...

      From your botting experience and numbers, should I bot a gathering account + my main or just PVP bot my main acc is enough? And then sell my bro's for some bucks to buy gold :)

      Sorry if my English hurts your eyes :)

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