After couple of years messing around with HB, I want to say thanks to HB devs and everyone that contributed to make Honorbuddy money machine. At least that's the way I looked on it. Also, big shoutout to my dear friend Botanist (R.I.P). He had a lot of impact to my botting style and methods, really made my life epic. At one point, I was making around 1M gold per day... I know, sounds impossible, believe me or not - shit got real. I think that he made the biggest contribution when it comes to writing gold farming profiles. All I had to do is to click "start" - everything else was automated. That's what I was aiming for, to farm gold without monitoring my bots, like 99% afk. I won't talk about $$ ammounts, all I have to say is that I lived like a damn king! People thought I was drug dealer - LOL. Now it's time to take the turn off this path. I won't be able to play games nor farm gold anymore, but I'll always remember this period of my life with big smile on my face. That's why I feel like writing this post - as a goodbye to the community. Rest In Peace Kevin, you'll never be forgoten! Good luck to all of you out there. Only sky is the limit!