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  • Simple tips to avoid being banned

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Apoc, Nov 5, 2013.

    1. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      It seems people don't understand that GGG is very aggressive at catching botters. However, their detection isn't fool-proof. (It is however, stupidity-proof apparently)

      GGG has confirmed that the currency-flag (not having any useful currency drop for a very long time) is an anti-bot measure. (Specifically, RMT-related botting)

      After reading through countless posts from countless people, I've noticed a very simple trend, and here are a few simple tips to avoid being banned within hours.

      First of all, just to clear things up: Exilebuddy is not detected on the client-side of things. GGG has absolutely zero anti-cheat included in the client. We have been waiting months for them to add anything related to anti-cheat in the client. However, it seems they are much smarter than most game studios, and rely on server-side data to detect people (client-side anti-cheat only costs them time and money to add, which is easily broken by someone with a small set of reverse engineering skills). This means we have no 100% accurate knowledge of how they detect us, but we can still gather a "pretty good idea" about how.

      1. Do not bot for hours and hours on end. This is a very obvious flag. If you want to bot for 24hrs straight, don't expect to keep your account.
      2. Do not drastically change your play time in a week. If you go from 30min-1hr of play time a day, to 16+ hours a day, it's a very obvious flag. This should just be common sense at this point, however, some users just don't grasp that simple concept.
      3. Do not bot on an account you don't want to lose. While we make every attempt possible to ensure your account is safe while using our products, we are in a cat-and-mouse game with game developers. More often than not, we do win. But GGG has shown, that simply hiding what they do, is enough to catch us sometimes. If you insist on botting on a "main" account, then understand that you may lose everything on it. This goes for any bots, for any games. Our company does have a very good track record of minimal ban rates (near-zero overall) for users who don't do silly things. (Such as bot 24/7, etc)
      4. Engaging in RMT is a big red flag. While GGG seems to be a bit lax about it, they do ***** down on it quite a bit. Be careful when you buy/sell currency.
      5. Never, ever, ever, EVER, tell others that you bot. Unless you trust them not to "tattle" on you to others. Especially do not post about bots on the official GGG forums. This should be common sense, but again, some users feel the need to request support from the game developers. While you'll give them (and us) quite a laugh by doing so, you'll also find yourself banned.
      6. Please, don't post your email conversations with GGG on our forums (or any other forum). If you want to give some description, feel free. But copy/pasting text from the email is likely easily linked to your account. Just don't do it.
      7. When posting screenshots of in-game, make sure you cover up any text (including life/mana, etc). All these things can be used to track you down. (Yes, life/mana can narrow a search field by millions of results)
      8. Use the /age and /played commands in-game to check your character age, and amount of time being in game. If it looks suspicious to you, it probably looks suspicious to them.
      9. The easy areas (such as Ledge and Docks) are known botting areas, and GGG knows about it. Try leveling somewhere else, or farming items in a different area.
      10. There are such things as "easy bot builds" that other products use, such as starting out as Marauder and using a few simple skills. If you do the same thing, you may get caught along with anything that is being watched with those other products. Exilebuddy is full-featured, and should support just about any build you can come up with. Mix it up, play something different!
      11. There is a level 25 character requirement to trade currency on new accounts. If you make a new account and try to bot to 25, you'll have a bad time doing so.
    2. Evlow

      Evlow Member

      Sep 24, 2013
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      Great post Apoc, some people do not realize this.....

      One other thing to add... Avoid using the same character name as your forum name or anything even containing the same name or even resembling the same name on your account. This is another way for them to narrow down who you are.
    3. immortalhz

      immortalhz Member

      Jun 9, 2012
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      how many bots can i run at the same time?
      what you think about this
      12 bots, 4 bots at the same time for 8h run, then change ip (mb change HWID, MAC [in router] or what ever)
      is it high chance of get bunned?

      i think they can flag you if you didn't spend passive skill points for long time
    4. lxt12345

      lxt12345 New Member

      Oct 29, 2013
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      farming items in a different area

      What time to have this feature。Quick Add ++++++++++++++++++++++
    5. tozededao

      tozededao Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I understand there are some stupid posts like "I played 2 hours and I'm banned" mostly because they do such things mentioned here, but you also have to remember that there are some people who bot on online games for over 10 years and are very experienced about it and know how to play safe.

      I've botted aproximately 20 hours with exilebuddy, spread over like 6 days which is barely anything. As you said GGG is not stupid, they know what public bots there are over here. They can use it themselves and find automated actions such as:
      - not picking shrines
      - not resetting instances and always opening a portal when you are really close to another instance
      - not using an ID scroll for 5 hours
      - not using a quicksilver flask for 5 hours
      - always depositing all items on the stash, then removing the same items you just deposited (tp scrolls)
      - constantly backtracking on zones
      - they probably register keystrokes and mouseclicks and the bot uses packets so there are 0 mouseclicks or keystrokes.
      - the fact that you can bot while on background, which probably they can detect if their game is being focused or not, specially because there is an option to mute sound on background. Imagine you have the "mute when in background" checked, so when you are on the windows the game knows it isn't supposed to play songs, yet you are "playing" and those 2 things do not work in conjunction, how can you not be receiving sound due to being in background but you are playing?

      these are just a few ways I thought in 5 minutes that they can detect you.
    6. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      tozededao; I've already stated, there is nothing in the actual game-client itself to detect us. (We could be fully injected, and they'd never know.) We choose to be OOP because it's the safest model, while we still retain all the goodness of being in-process. (Most of it at least)

      Quicksilver flasks have been added.
      Always emptying your stash when you finish a run has been changed. (You can get the old behavior back with a setting change, but now it will only empty your inventory when it's actually full)
      I'm fixing the "put portals in stash, pull portals out" issue right now.
      Preliminary shrine logic has been added.
      Not resetting instances is on the eventual to-do. But in the meantime, just bot an area that makes more sense to leave via TP (docks for example is one of them).

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