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Singular - A community driven All-In-One CC - It Just Plain Works - (Pt. 3)

Pretty sure this is very simple but I'm new to C. I want to have my druid do nothing while I'm in normal form.

You can look in the Combat cc for rogues, it has some code that allows it to do nothing while vanished.

        public static Composite CreateCombatRogueNormalCombat()
            return new PrioritySelector(
                new Decorator(
                    ret => !StyxWoW.Me.HasAura("Vanish"),
                Helpers.Common.CreateInterruptSpellCast(ret => StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget),

                // Don't do anything if we casted vanish
                new Decorator(
                    ret => StyxWoW.Me.HasAura("Vanish"),
                    new ActionAlwaysSucceed()),
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@Singular Developer(s)

I've noticed something about the more recent versions of Singular. I'm using this in combination with two bot bases so far (LazyRaider and Quest Bot), and my main concern is with LazyRaider. I've noticed that even with all targeting, taunting, and movement disabled in Singular's options, and targeting disabled in LazyRaider, the CC still immediately attacks when a tank targets something hostile. It does not wait for me to make the first attack, like all other CCs, before it takes over. The tank doesn't even have time to gain aggro. Singular immediately sends the pet in then starts nuking. I've pissed off so many tanks because of this. I did a guild run last night and my guild's tank sent me a whisper and told me to fix my pet (pet was on passive the entire time as that's how I always run with pets) and to stop trying to preempt his attacks. He told me I need to wait for him to get agg before pouring on the DPS. All I could do was say I needed to answer the phone, and then while they were waiting, I restarted HB and chose a different CC. After that all was well. I had no plugins enabled since LazyRaider has an option to disable all plugins and also to framelock the CC (clicked Max DPS). Singular is the only CC I've used that attacks immediately as soon as something is targeted in an instance, raid, dungeon.

As for Quest Bot, it seems to work perfectly fine because I'm by myself, of course, and I'm doing all the targeting, but when in dungeons it's very, very aggressive and just goes balls out, before anyone else attacks.

If someone could take a look at the code and see if anything is going on that would be great. I'll generate a log and then edit the post to attach it. I have dozens of logs right now, but I'm not sure which one contains what I need, so I'll make one specifically for this reason. I've also replaced Demonology.cs, Common.cs, and WarlockSettings.cs with the one created by izzy for demonlogy warlocks, just to let you guys know. Log will be attached as soon as possible.

While leveling an undead warlock with Kick's questing profiles and Singulars CC, I noticed some things about the CC which I would like to share with you guys. (LVL 23 undead warlock btw)
There's two things, or maybe it's one thing: The bot / profile / cc, (I honestly couldn't tell which one) prioritizes attacking mobs and looting mobs and mounting up over casting certain channeled spells for nearly 98% of the time the channeled spell is used.
The spells are: Soul Harvest, Health Funnel (on your demon pet) and Cannibalize (the undead racial). For all of these there's not really a use if they get canceled due to character movemet before their first ticks. Nearly every time I notice my character using one of these channeled spells, they get aborted due to character movement or mounting. Questing has been going, and is going fine so I wouldn't consider this as ''wrong'' or what ever but is there a way to change this prioritizing of attacking and looting mobs and mounting over finishing the channeled spells I mentioned perhaps ? Thanks in advance and keep up the good work! :D

Regards Durty.
@Singular Developer(s)

I've noticed something about the more recent versions of Singular. I'm using this in combination with two bot bases so far (LazyRaider and Quest Bot), and my main concern is with LazyRaider. I've noticed that even with all targeting, taunting, and movement disabled in Singular's options, and targeting disabled in LazyRaider, the CC still immediately attacks when a tank targets something hostile. It does not wait for me to make the first attack, like all other CCs, before it takes over. The tank doesn't even have time to gain aggro. Singular immediately sends the pet in then starts nuking. I've pissed off so many tanks because of this. I did a guild run last night and my guild's tank sent me a whisper and told me to fix my pet (pet was on passive the entire time as that's how I always run with pets) and to stop trying to preempt his attacks. He told me I need to wait for him to get agg before pouring on the DPS. All I could do was say I needed to answer the phone, and then while they were waiting, I restarted HB and chose a different CC. After that all was well. I had no plugins enabled since LazyRaider has an option to disable all plugins and also to framelock the CC (clicked Max DPS). Singular is the only CC I've used that attacks immediately as soon as something is targeted in an instance, raid, dungeon.

As for Quest Bot, it seems to work perfectly fine because I'm by myself, of course, and I'm doing all the targeting, but when in dungeons it's very, very aggressive and just goes balls out, before anyone else attacks.

If someone could take a look at the code and see if anything is going on that would be great. I'll generate a log and then edit the post to attach it. I have dozens of logs right now, but I'm not sure which one contains what I need, so I'll make one specifically for this reason. I've also replaced Demonology.cs, Common.cs, and WarlockSettings.cs with the one created by izzy for demonlogy warlocks, just to let you guys know. Log will be attached as soon as possible.
Noticed the same with Singular. Targetting is off (in CC), follow tank is off and Auto Target is off in LazyRaider and still it auto-targets and attacks (when "Entering Combat"). This was not the case in the previous versions. Using a different CC fixes this, but frankly, Singular is the only CC for MM Hunters that works well for me. (Lvl 69 now).

For hunters is there a way to have it turn pet growl off when in a dungeon? Say you want to use mixed mode and you quest and dungeon at the same time. Usually the tank doesnt want you to use growl so can it turn on while questing and turn off while in a dungeon?
Can someone suggest some code to allow the hunter to switch aspects between fox and hawk depending on whether is moving or not, and allow it to cast Cobra Shot and/or Steady Shot while moving in fox's aspect ?
is there a way to make the holy paladin use the beacon on himself if he is in a battleground ?

For hunters is there a way to have it turn pet growl off when in a dungeon? Say you want to use mixed mode and you quest and dungeon at the same time. Usually the tank doesnt want you to use growl so can it turn on while questing and turn off while in a dungeon?

It already should happen:

            // Lets hook this event so we can disable growl
            SingularRoutine.OnWoWContextChanged += SingularRoutine_OnWoWContextChanged;

        // Disable pet growl in instances but enable it outside.
        static void SingularRoutine_OnWoWContextChanged(object sender, SingularRoutine.WoWContextEventArg e)
            Lua.DoString(e.CurrentContext == WoWContext.Instances
                             ? "DisableSpellAutocast(GetSpellInfo(2649))"
                             : "EnableSpellAutocast(GetSpellInfo(2649))");
What Class are you?: Warrior
What Spec are you?: Fury or Arms
What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): questing and lazy raider
What level are you?:85
What revision of Singular are you using?:newest SVN
Have you made any modifications to Singular?: No
Are you using a branched build, or the trunk build? (Only viable for developers):
What version of Honorbuddy are you using?: Newest

Please provide an explanation of the bug. The more detail, the easier it will be to resolve.
Was wondering why my frame rates sag sometimes while using this CC. Only happens with this CC. Ill go from like 100 to 20 this is causing lag spikes at very inopertune times.
Shaman tries to imbue fishing poles with the aura's something that wow dosnt allow
Um, just a curious question, but in the Singular settings there's a place for "Form Selection" and all it has in it is a 0 (zero). I tried typing "Bear Form" which didn't work, and I also tried using other numbers such as 1, 2, 3, 4, etc, and nothing happened. It stayed in Cat form. I'm spec'd for feral tanking (bear) and would like to use that form if at all possible. If there's a form selection option, what do I use to make it choose bear? I looked through the DruidSettings.cs, Druid.cs, and Common.cs and couldn't find anything relating to option choices for this setting. I did find the setting itself, but no options. Any help?
same issue here, using the latest Singular


While leveling an undead warlock with Kick's questing profiles and Singulars CC, I noticed some things about the CC which I would like to share with you guys. (LVL 23 undead warlock btw)
There's two things, or maybe it's one thing: The bot / profile / cc, (I honestly couldn't tell which one) prioritizes attacking mobs and looting mobs and mounting up over casting certain channeled spells for nearly 98% of the time the channeled spell is used.
The spells are: Soul Harvest, Health Funnel (on your demon pet) and Cannibalize (the undead racial). For all of these there's not really a use if they get canceled due to character movemet before their first ticks. Nearly every time I notice my character using one of these channeled spells, they get aborted due to character movement or mounting. Questing has been going, and is going fine so I wouldn't consider this as ''wrong'' or what ever but is there a way to change this prioritizing of attacking and looting mobs and mounting over finishing the channeled spells I mentioned perhaps ? Thanks in advance and keep up the good work! :D

Regards Durty.
What Class are you?: Warrior
What Spec are you?: Fury or Arms
What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): questing and lazy raider
What level are you?:85
What revision of Singular are you using?:newest SVN
Have you made any modifications to Singular?: No
Are you using a branched build, or the trunk build? (Only viable for developers):
What version of Honorbuddy are you using?: Newest

Please provide an explanation of the bug. The more detail, the easier it will be to resolve.
Was wondering why my frame rates sag sometimes while using this CC. Only happens with this CC. Ill go from like 100 to 20 this is causing lag spikes at very inopertune times.
my guess is that you are using Lazyraider or Raidbot thats the problem if not then i dont know
What Class are you?: Warrior
What Spec are you?: Fury or Arms
What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): questing and lazy raider
What level are you?:85
What revision of Singular are you using?:newest SVN
Have you made any modifications to Singular?: No
Are you using a branched build, or the trunk build? (Only viable for developers):
What version of Honorbuddy are you using?: Newest

Please provide an explanation of the bug. The more detail, the easier it will be to resolve.
Was wondering why my frame rates sag sometimes while using this CC. Only happens with this CC. Ill go from like 100 to 20 this is causing lag spikes at very inopertune times.
my guess is that you are using Lazyraider or Raidbot thats the problem if not then i dont know
I always use lazyraider and I never get lag with any other CC, that is until I use Singular. So, I doubt it's lazyraider doing it.
This may have been said before, but I really wish the Prot Pally CC would use Judgement more liberally. As in, it should be using Judgement literally every time the CD is up. This would prevent the Bot from constantly running out of mana and having to stop and drink every few mobs since it ensures Judgements of the Wise is constantly up. In PvE questing/grinding, sustain >>> short term burst dps. I would hope that making Judgement as a top priority spell would be an easy option to add, though I am clueless myself as to how to do it so I thought I'd just post it as a suggestion.

To go along with this, perhaps have the bot use Divine Plea whenever the bot falls below 50% mana or something. This would further reduce downtime.

Other than this, the Prot Pally CC really has been good.
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This may have been said before, but I really wish the Prot Pally CC would use Judgement more liberally. As in, it should be using Judgement literally every time the CD is up. This would prevent the Bot from constantly running out of mana and having to stop and drink every few mobs since it ensures Judgements of the Wise is constantly up. In PvE questing/grinding, sustain >>> short term burst dps. I would hope that making Judgement as a top priority spell would be an easy option to add, though I am clueless myself as to how to do it so I thought I'd just post it as a suggestion.

To go along with this, perhaps have the bot use Divine Plea whenever the bot falls below 50% mana or something. This would further reduce downtime.

Other than this, the Prot Pally CC really has been good.
I've seen other CCs use this option, but I wonder how easy it would be for highvoltz to code in an option to allow you to choose what type of rotation/priority to use. For instance, there could be a lowbie/leveling one, dungeon one, raid one, grinding one, or just a pure burst dps one, or a purely sustaining one. Something like that would be handy, I agree.
What Class are you?: Paladin
What Spec are you?: Ret
What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): Grind Bot
What level are you?: 85
What revision of Singular are you using?: Latest
Have you made any modifications to Singular?: No
Are you using a branched build, or the trunk build? (Only viable for developers): ?
What version of Honorbuddy are you using?: Latest

I am trying to grind AQ20 on my Ret Paladin to get the Glorious armor set, and the paladin is running himself oom by casting concentration every time it comes off CD, even though I have it set to 99999 mobs before it casts it, and there is only two mobs, yet he still casts it.
Weird i use this for the same thing straight out of the box only thing i change was the eat @ behaviour to min runs smothe for me ran it 7hrs with no probs make sure you set might as buff might help.
Quick question guys reguarding the profile for Holy Paladins, Is Cleanse automated or used for specific spells? I tend to see alot of debuff's not being cleansed and just has me concerned. Thank you.
Why is it that singular and only singular makes my screen freeze for about 1 second when pulling and during combat? It only happens when I use singular. It's not a pc issue as my pc far exceeds any requirements for HB and wow. I have an 2nd Generation Intel Core i7-2640M processor (2.80 GHz with Turbo Boost 2.0 up to 3.50 GHz), an ATI Radeon HD 5770 Graphics card and 8 gigs of RAM.