Just wonderin is there a way to tell singular to not log me out when i am AFK for a period of time? or will this always be. the reason I ask is because when conneted to HB relogger when singular see afk for a period of time it boots you and tells HB relog to not reopen program causing it to no restart. [22:21:59.864 D] (Singular) (Singular) info: 1957.0 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in OnBotStop) [22:21:59.806 N] INACTIVITY TIMER TRIPPED! LOGGING OUT! [22:21:59.815 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: Main window is closing just wondering i dont believe there is but worth a try
singular isnt logging you out. click "Settings and Tools" and look for a setting called "Logout For Inactivity" and uncheck it.