Just a standard savage leather grinding profile. Works much better than the other one I found on here. This is set to patrol the path where lvl 80 charbringers spawn.. works while afk. 135 Loots per hour. Only ran on a arcane mage so far but from what I can tell these mobs are very weak and spawn fast. Good for savage leather, lvling, and 77-80 greens. For best results park your toon at Sanctuary of Malorne and turn it on. I use: Grind Bot Pull distance 50 Loot radius 60 View attachment Skinning_Hyjal.xml
I honestly have not let it run for long enough to need that built into the xml. I am using a loot filter accompanied with this so it is only picking up scraps, greens (boe world drop blues), and leathers. With the current setup I can let it run for about 10 hours, checking beck every couple to combine scraps. 10 hours should yield about 1300-1400 leathers and a fair amount of sellable 77-80 greens.
does not loot for me. looked through all my setting and through the profile for something that might lead to that.