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  • so bans slowing down

    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by lestat03110, May 31, 2015.

    1. lestat03110

      lestat03110 New Member

      Apr 5, 2011
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      so are the bans slowing down / not happening or is it just that there are still not a lot of people using the bot i have been checking the forums for the past couple of days and have not noticed a lot of ban reports in the ban section just a few and some posts in the general forum with things like baned after 2 hours

      i am just trying to find out what the deal is would like to get a farming account up and running again but i dont have a whole lot of cash to spare right now so i dont what to spend the $$ on a new sub for it to get banned right away i went a long time with out a ban until this banwave happened botting the smart way any info would help

      if you are just going to troll the post and tell me that botting is never safe dont bother
    2. obzzcure

      obzzcure Member

      Jan 5, 2014
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      Always keep this in mind,i'm not trolling but it is what it is.

      Just be careful what you do,Like human behavior,and you should bot like his to.

      It makes it a lot "safer",but with the current HB status,nothing is safe TBH at the moment.
      Last edited: May 31, 2015
    3. killajosh

      killajosh Member

      Mar 24, 2015
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      I would wait before starting up a farming account. Blizzard isn't trustworthy at all, ya know. Honestly, I would just run HB for a bit, test the waters for a week or two...

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