Hello I am still noob with HB and still learning actually i can't even get questing to work so ive given up and grinding for now. Well the question is how long do you guys grind fo with your bot as im planning to bot for 12 hours or would you think thats stupid? Also how do you grind, do you quest or just grind for levels because i am thinking of grinding all the way to 80 i dont want to spend 4 months of my life trying to level to 80 and have no life by the end of it. the main question is how long do you glide if you wanted to level asap? Any tips for a noob like me? Thanks!
i botted 24hours aday grinding way back in april and get 72hours suspension by the time i got lv80. i'm playing wow eu from south east asia~ wee~~
the longest i've gone was just under 4 days straight (CTA weekends rock for leveling). but i normaly go from as little as 4 to 5 hrs at a time upto a just over 24hrs straight. It just depends how i feel, if i do alot of AFK or not and so on. You have to get a feel yourself for how your realm /battlegroup is and go from tehre. if you watch BG chat now and then you'll see if they care about bots or not, and the same goes for grinding/questing. What works for me though might not work for you.
Depends on how I feel. Rarely leave it on overnight as my PC packs out a shitload of heat and I end up roasting >.< Quite often leave it running through the day while I'm at work, monitor its progress with CowStats + Hamachi Usually set it running around 8am, stop it about 6pm when I get home to play for a bit, or leave it until around midnight.
I generally turning it on about 9am when i get up i take a break at about 3pm for 30 something minutes. I then bot it till 4am where I randomly just turn off by coincidence and turn off the computer.
Hoping to leave mine on a lot over this weekend, although I usually level by day and gather by night so not quite the same I guess.
ace well i have botted for 48 hours staright and only minor issues but people in the guild are like how you eveling so fast ! love it good thing there new players and no not what a bot is XD
I bot usually only 4-5 hours every few days for a few days in a row, i don't bot a lot because i haven't been able to get this damn tinfoil hat off my head yet.
on CTA AV weekends i bot 24 hours a day for the duration of the CTA. If its HB i only bot like 6-8 hours per day as long as it's a questing profile. For GB i bot from anywhere between 6-15 hours/day
24/7 Farming same profile, been botting 24/7 since ninjaBOT i think rofl. never had a bann for botting tho only for some other stuff but never greater than 72h.