Hey, first of all - thanks for HB! It looks nice and works . Some questions: 1) when the "human like" version will come out? 2) why I can only select "Casual" and "Ranked"? What about Arena? 3) will Auto Arena spend all my money for multiple runs? Or just 1 run (for 150g) and this is it? 4) if I do Auto Arena will it ONLY use ArenaValues.xml for decisions? Or try to make some "good synergy" decks (e.g. pick for best mana curve, some good removals over too many minions etc.)? 5) do I need to change settings somewhere in files, or just the "visible" ones in the GUI of HB? Many thanks!!!
1) Nobody knows except the developers. 2) There's a checkbox that says Arena on it. However, you need to manually buy the arena entrance fee before starting the bot 3) 1 run for now 4) It'll use the ArenaValues to pick the cards. This normally means you won't have many combos or synergy 5) Only thing you need to change is whats in front of you