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  • Some questions about multiple bots

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by Czester, Dec 4, 2012.

    1. Czester

      Czester New Member

      Jul 16, 2012
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      Hi, so i want to buy a server to run a couple of bots so i can make some money from it. But i have some question:
      -Is it worth getting some demonbuddy's or should i keep it at honorbuddy's?
      -Is it better to bot gatherbuddy with a herbalist - miner or should i use the AHbot?
      -should i have different alts with all professions?
      -how many bots should i max. have on one server?
      -I'm convinced i should play on a high pop server, but should i play on really full servers or just on high pop servers?
      -is it safe to put them all on the same bnet account as my main? (i guess not, so if not: is it dangerous to link one to get the RAF mount on my main?)
      -Are there thing i should limit on to reduce the chance of being banned? (yes, i know there will always be a chance, that's how it goes...)

      Those are my questions about the bot for now, if i have some more questions i'll update this post.

      And then i have some question about the server, If i want to run a lot of bots on it, and i want to use it for a lot of other things aswell (hosting a teamspeak server, hosting a website, a rather big minecraft server, personal storage or datasharing,...) and it must be able to handle let's say 10-15 bots. What specifications should i be looking at? how cpu, how much memory,... and how much do you estimate the price?

      That's all for now, if you can't answer all my questions, i'm happy if you can answer one of them^^

      Feel free to post some tips aswell.

      Thanks, stroeckx.

      Edit: for the gametime, can i buy gametime cards from people in game or should i not trust that?

      and is it even possible to run honorbuddy's on a server?
      Last edited: Dec 4, 2012
    2. khamul

      khamul New Member

      Nov 27, 2012
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      first i dont understand first question? demonbuddy is for diablo3 honorbuddy is for wow there is a huge difference :)
      second questions is about your realm but i suppose gbuddy is better
      third, if u want more, u need more :)
      forth, its all about u and ur pc :D
      fifth, all about you again i think there is no difference

      can't think of an answer about last 2
    3. Czester

      Czester New Member

      Jul 16, 2012
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      Thanks w-for your quick answer, but i think you didn't understand me right( probably because of my bad english)
      first question: i mean can i make a lot of money with diablo aswell, or can i make much more money from botting WOW?
      fourth: i mean how much should max have, for example one AHbot is enough to take care of the whole AH, if u get more on one realm it's useless, or on a low pop server, one gatherbuddy will farm too much to sell everything.

      and about the third, is it worth getting those alts or not?

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