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  • Some questions that i want to be answered

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by Wizper, Mar 13, 2013.

    1. Wizper

      Wizper Member

      Mar 1, 2013
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      Hello fellow botters!

      I came across this bot some weeks ago, before iv used glider and some gather bot back in cata days. What this bot got me intressted to buy 2 sessions is how it has so many bots inside of it, not just a gatherbot also for leveling and other useful stuff.

      My questions:

      1: Im really intressted in DungeonBuddy to do some instances,as for now im useing Kicks questing profiles. Iv heard it's pretty risky to use and last time i tried it just stood at the entance? How dose look now? for a guy who monitors his 2 bots 100% can i try it out?

      2: How hard is it to code my own gathering profile? I know public profiles is pretty risky if you wanna earn alot of gold everyday.

      3: Do you guys recommand any good plugins i can use?

      4: Im looking into to run bots over the day while im at work, but it's pretty risky to do, is there programs i can use to both have a timer to log off and log in and also sending me feed back online?

      Thanks for looking into my questions also thanks!
    2. 1101011

      1101011 Member

      Dec 4, 2011
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      1.) I would not try it. It's alway possible for the 3 other people to notice you as a bot. While in the normal world, other players see you for a short time and continue with their own work. But within a dungeon you have to work with the people and if you sleep a short time you miss a "could you sheep this" etc.
      I would see it's to risky if you try it with randoms. If you do it with friends why not.

      2.) its easy. Just use something like zaprecorder or hotspot recoder and fly your route. Gathering Profiles seems to be verry easy.
      Well it seems to be very easy making one, but it seems to be very difficult making a very good one (you want to earn a lot of money)

      3.) Hotspot recorder?

      4.) LogMeOut for logging out. There are some monitoring plugins but I can't say anything to them. Some time ago i have used GrekyMail (or something like this) which send me en email if there is an problem. But the problem with these plugins is, you can't interact with them , you cant solv a stuck or something like this.
      So i only bot when i'm near the pc and ...
      Last edited: Mar 14, 2013
    3. Wizper

      Wizper Member

      Mar 1, 2013
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      Thanks for awnsering my questions :)

      Well then questing is my choice, also making a own profile is something i have to look into.
    4. Ch1p

      Ch1p New Member

      Mar 13, 2013
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      1. As 1101011 said, DungeonBuddy is quite risky unless you play with real life friends.

      2. For gathering profiles, read my post in this thread Click here

      3. I use those in the thread i linked, then i also use LogMeOut, Underwater Gatherer, ShutUp AIML, Blacklister, TeleportDetector. There are a lot more to choose from that fits your needs.

      4. Not sure on that one

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