So, thing is like this I had an account that i bought from an idiot, it got locked, but i left it in my guild so i can see when he will recall it. For 3 days now he's stealing from my guild bank gold in value of 100k +.. WHAT SHOULD I DO? Contact the GM?
so you bought an account and didn't get the email changed? was the char guildmaster, since you didn't just demote it after it got locked? doubt you can do anything but contact the seller
i got the email changed, and merged it to my bnet account. but now he seems to have phoned blizz and changed the email..
Hmm dont see what you can do really. I think you're stuck between a rock and a hard place. Obviously bliz won't help you with your purchased account.
what if i ask them to give me my gold back? I will tell the GM that my friends account got hacked (the account that stole my gold) and he stole my gold from the GB..
I think your only option is to contact the seller and sort it out with him. If you explain the above story to blizzard they'll hit you with their ban hammer for buying an account.
That won't work. If you go down the "my account got hacked" route they'll ask you for proof it's your account (or your "mates"). Usually by faxing in a copy of your passport or drivers licence. They do that here in the EU anyway. Can't see US being any different (just assuming you're US)
Thats the problem with purchased accounts. At anytime the original owner can recall the account by contacting Bliz and saying he's been hacked then sending them proof it's his account (ID with name/address etc). Bingo, it's there's again and there is nothing you can do about it.
Yep, you're shafted. He has the upper hand. There is nothing you can do to stop him apart from discussing it with him. I've only ever purchased an account once and that was from a guy i knew in real life who stopped playing.
I think the automated blizzard system steals gold from your guild vault i assume you have no logs that someone have taken gold out of the guild vault - if yes this is an automated blizz system which deletes once a day your gold of the GV but never the items
i have logs about the toon, withdrawing 100g at once for about 20 times, with a 8h delay between withdraws, and no more. But still, added up doesnt come close to 100k, i think blizz might take it.. but 100k at once, i dont think they would take that much..
why does anyone need to buy an account, using hb you can have a 80 in no time. You are always at risk when purchasing accounts :/ Morga