Hey, at some point using my HB2/GB2, one of my profiles or plugins disabled my tracking. Now whenever I select a tracking (i.e. Find Minerals, Quests, Repair, Mailboxes), no matter which tracking it is, It always instantly switches my tracking back to 'None'. Even when the bot is not running, it still switches my tracking back to none.
HB/GB does not influence ingame settings at all. Ever. I'd say you probably have a WoW addon installed that does this.
Well I have no proof its HB2/GB2, but it didnt start happening till I started using HB2/GB2. Only new addons is updates of old addons like DBM and such. Was just posting to see if anyone had a similiar issue I will post my new GB2 session log tho.
The fact that when the bot isn't running and it still switches means it isn't HB. Don't even have HB open and try it. If it still returns to none disable all addons in wow, then turn them back on one by one. You'll eventually find the problem causer.
We only modify a few select settings. CTM, and AutoLoot are the only ones end-users will notice. We do also modify another *if* certain conditions are met. (Actually, that code may not even be turned on at the moment, I'll have to check) Honorbuddy doesn't mess with any tracking settings. I'd check your addons for that.
Ahhh, kewl kewl. Thanx. I been using it for a while, but only recently seen it do that. Maybe an update reset the settings? Who knows. Thanx tho!