This bot is very slow and takes about the full turn timer each turn. Is there a way to speed it up? I ran this for like 12 hours and got less than 50 total games.
Yes it is now skipping turns and I am missing out on free damage and have full mana and does nothing.
Here is a log of the last time I have been playing. The problem is the bot is taking way too long to make moves. By the time it is done calculating the turn is over and time is up!
@mcrwinnner please send me/ upload this log: .\CustomDecks\Silverfish\UltimateLogs\UILogg_2014-09-03_08-19-44.txt and please update the silverfish-ai.
hmmmm... i suppose you are not running a 200mhz machine, so it seems an external process will significantly speed up the calculations: your time (running in hearthstone process): 94.3503965 sec (lethal-test 0.581) my time (external process (console version)): 0.7488 sec (lethal-test 0.0468) (i5-3570k @3.4ghz)