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  • Start botting - A lot of questions

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by Zeus90, Nov 11, 2010.

    1. Zeus90

      Zeus90 New Member

      Nov 11, 2010
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      First of all, I'm new here, sorry if I posted this in the wrong section of the forum. I'll learn.

      Today I've been reading literally 100 guides about botting, safety etc. A lot of the guides on this forum are about the way to configure Honorbuddy or Gatherbuddy. I still have questions about general botting and the way you keep your account as safe as possible. I'm interested in using a bot to farm some gold for a main account. This account is important to me so I want to keep it as safe as possible, with only fery few links to my botting account (while being able to receive my botter's gold somehow).

      Problem for me is that I can't use another pc to have the botter running on, also I would prefer to use 1 other WoW account (not 3 or more).

      Let's start at the start, questions concerning the other WoW account to use.
      I'm planning on creating a new battle.net account on a different computer on a different location that isnt mine. Im buying gametime with 60-day cards.

      1 Should I use other account info on this account?
      2 To make some gold, do I need the full wow package (vanilla, bc, wotlk) , or will vanilla be enough to get me some decent money every day?

      I will be only botting a couple of hours a day, it is not going to be 24/7. I would prefer the bot to Mine/Herb, kill mobs sometimes and loot them. Also heard about bots doing quests, would be great as it would probably make me look like a bot less.

      3 Is gatherbuddy or honorbuddy good to use for this, or would something else fit better?
      4 In a lot of guides I read about using VPN when botting (and using my own IP for my main account). Do I need to use a VPN from my own country (im from the netherlands) ?
      5 What is a popular vpn for European players (prefer free) ?
      6 Do I need to run a mac changer ?

      I'm planning on making a banker toon on the botting account to sell stuff on.

      6 How do I get the gold on my main char? Direct mailing, trading or guild banking seems risky.

      Not planning on selling gold.

      Sorry for the text wall. Please keep your answers seriously as I'm freaking paranoia about botting and hope to be as secure as possible.
      Thanks for your reply.
    2. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      1) always use info that you can provide an id for (ie yours) or use fake info and if u get banned and they ask for Id, you're screwed
      2) vanilla for AH is fine, but "real" money you'll need vanilla + bc + LK + Cata unless ur server is full of ppl that want rare things from classic
      3) GB is great for gathering, HB is ok for gathering, good for grinding / farming / ok for questing
      4) --
      5) --
      6) --
      7) I have written a guide called "kicks gold". you should read it + the guide next to it called private buyers + the FAQ i wrote to the far left
      (in sig)

      - Kick
    3. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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    4. Malice211

      Malice211 Member

      Aug 4, 2010
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      First of all, I'm new here, sorry if I posted this in the wrong section of the forum. I'll learn.

      1 Should I use other account info on this account?

      >> When you create a second account you do not need to use the same account info as your main account, except in the case of leveling toons that you plan on transferring over to your main account. Then the last name on the account must be the same as your main. For the purposes of botting you can make up info but I always use my own name or someone I know in case I get banned and I have to provide picture identification to recover my banned account. This has happened twice using Mimic bot (a bot from another site, don’t go there, it sucks compared to HB,GB big time) and both time the accounts were recovered. Do not use the same Battlenet account for both accounts, this could/will be trouble.

      2 To make some gold, do I need the full wow package (vanilla, bc, wotlk) , or will vanilla be enough to get me some decent money every day?

      >> What do you consider decent money? To make gold, I find it best to use Gather buddy and both mine and herb. To do that you will want, in my opinion, a wotlk upgrade because the lower stuff is not worth nearly as much as Northrend stuff. Even with just 1 bot going basic 5 to 8 hours a day on a nice, long profile will net you several thousand each week with little effort.

      I will be only botting a couple of hours a day, it is not going to be 24/7. I would prefer the bot to Mine/Herb, kill mobs sometimes and loot them. Also heard about bots doing quests, would be great as it would probably make me look like a bot less.
      3 Is gatherbuddy or honorbuddy good to use for this, or would something else fit better?

      >> Gatherbuddy gathers, that is all. It will kill mobs when attached but will not farm kills or loot corpses. Still, it is by far the better gold maker over HB. Honorbuddy will kill mobs and run instances, quest and such but is it a tool more for leveling toons rather than making high volumes of gold. I would suggest you stick with GB for gold making, using a nice long profile (there are many nice ones available) so you are not in one area all the time and then knock out a dungeon or two by hand now and then if it worries you. Make sure your toon has somewhat decent gear though before you start botting as it will need to fight on occasion and better gear just looks better on an 80 toon.

      4 In a lot of guides I read about using VPN when botting (and using my own IP for my main account). Do I need to use a VPN from my own country (im from the netherlands) ?

      >>A good and proper secure VPN is going to cost you. It won’t be much but you will need to pay for it. I don’t personally feel you need one with this bot but it is your own personal preference. I did use one when using Mimic and one of my accounts was still banned. It was a leveling account and I did get it back after a month or so and part of the reason is because of the ip address change that took place all the time on my account because of the VPN (didn’t use the VPN all the time, just when actually botting). However, it may be this same ip change that got my account noticed in the first place.

      5 What is a popular vpn for European players (prefer free) ?

      >> I actually used Bee VPN service which is not overly expensive and the ip's are european based I believe. (mods please delete if I am not allowed to give a company name, not certain) It is more secure than the free options available as far as I can tell. Worked well for me but as I said, it is a toss up if you want to use a VPN or not. My main has shared ip addresses with every bot I have had at one time or another and has never been banned or bothered despite several bans on my bots (again, none with GB or HB so far...). Its an option, not a necessity.

      6 Do I need to run a mac changer ?

      >> Question for the tech boys. Not sure as I have never ever owned a Mac. : )

      I'm planning on making a banker toon on the botting account to sell stuff on.

      >> don’t just make 1 banker, make several low level toons and use them all to sell in the Auction House in small quantities (5 to 10 stacks at a time max of anything). Only 1 toon dumping high volumes of mats in the AH screams out botter and will easily get you a temp or permanent ban for "Abuse of the Economy". I personally use 9 alts to sell mats with and I use each one for only a week or so, delete them and create new alts with different names. This is less noticeable to buyers and worth the short run from starting area to the bank/AH.

      6 How do I get the gold on my main char? Direct mailing, trading or guild banking seems risky. Not planning on selling gold.

      >> I don’t sell gold either. I make it for me and the benefit of my toons. Simply make a guild on your main WOW account with a low level alt or something. Give it a simple and forgettable name so no one is wsping your bot saying "cool guild name, can I join" or other such foolishness. Invite your bot into the guild along with all your seller alts as well and give them full access. Store all your harvested mats in the guild bank and all your profited gold in the guild bank. When you want gold take it out of your main account alt and mail it to your main toon. I have done this for hundreds of thousands of gold with no problems. As far as I can tell, Blizz will not ban guild members because one of the toons in the guild botted. Also, everyone and their dog as an alt guild out there for storing crap in and I can hardly run a gdkp without someone saying "BRB...got to transfer gold from my banking alt". A big transfer of gold mailed between two of your own toons on the same account goes unnoticed, it is the transfer of thousands of gold between a level 1 and level 80 on different accounts that will stand out in the logs of Blizz. Oh, and don’t give your alts cutesy foolish names, especially ones with bank in the title. Not that it matters to Blizz, I just hate seeing it. : )

      Sorry for the text wall. Please keep your answers seriously as I'm freaking paranoia about botting and hope to be as secure as possible.
      Thanks for your reply.

      >> Don’t be paranoid!! Don’t over bot, don’t saturate the market with massive amounts of mats, don’t park your bot in Shal Basin farming for 24 hours at a time just because there is more there to harvest and don’t advertise to your friends in chat, wsp, guild chat or anywhere else that you are making massive amounts of gold botting. Precaution is key. Other than that, you have to know, don’t think, know that this is a temporary free ride, that one day Blizz will crack down, tighten up or whatever you want to call the mega mass banhammer that will fall and crush your poor little bot, banishing his pixels to oblivion forever. Much like my pirate sat dish and last my last relationship, it is doomed to end right from the beginning. It may be 1 year from now or 10 min after you start up your bot. The only 100% assurance with botting is that there is nothing 100% about botting.

      Again, these are just my personal thoughts and musings on the subject. Worth every penny you paid for 'em. : ) As Kick said, there are several fine botting guides out there on the site. Give them a read and determine the best balance of safety to set your mind at ease. Above all else, remember, have fun with it!!!
    5. Zeus90

      Zeus90 New Member

      Nov 11, 2010
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      Thanks all of you for great replys so far :)

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