Stop after X wins could do with some tweaking. Or maybe you could educate me in not sucking. Last night I had 13 wins, so I need 17 more for a total of 30, for daily gold reasons. So this morning I started up the bot, reset the win counter, then setup an additional Stop after 17 wins. But it stopped after 4. 4+13 = 17, but that's not what I wanted. You can read below that it's only 4 wins, and 9 losses. So if it's only 4 wins, why did it stop? Log also attached. 2015-05-06 20:39:27,556 [1] INFO Logger (null) - [Stats] Summary: 4 / 9 (44.44 %) [0 concedes] 2015-05-06 20:39:27,607 [20] INFO Logger (null) - [GameplayScene_FINAL_GAMEOVER] The EndGameScreen is shown for [VictoryScreen]. Now clicking to continue. 2015-05-06 20:39:30,608 [20] DEBUG Logger (null) - [GameplayScene_FINAL_GAMEOVER] Waiting to be in this state longer. 2015-05-06 20:39:33,857 [20] INFO Logger (null) - [GameplayScene_FINAL_GAMEOVER] The EndGameScreen is shown for [VictoryScreen]. Now clicking to continue. 2015-05-06 20:39:34,715 [20] INFO Logger (null) - [IsClientInUsableState] SceneMgr.GetNextMode != Mode.INVALID. 2015-05-06 20:39:35,492 [20] INFO Logger (null) - [IsClientInUsableState] LoadingScreen.IsTransitioning. 2015-05-06 20:39:38,702 [20] INFO Logger (null) - [TournamentScene] 2015-05-06 20:39:38,706 [20] INFO Logger (null) - [GameEventManagerOnStartingNewGame] Now stopping the bot because StopAfterXWins is enabled and we have 17 wins out of a desired 17. 2015-05-06 20:39:38,707 [20] INFO Logger (null) - [Stop] Now requesting the BotThread to stop.
You most likely reset the "Stats" plugin and not the "AutoStop" plugin. 'Stats" is just passive tracking for easy display of win/loss/concede. "AutoStop", which is a different plugin, maintains it's own stats tracking to know when to stop, and to make sure other plugins don't interfere. You need to click "Reset" on the AutoStop plugin (and the Stats if you want the display to be reset as well) for that plugin to stop based on new stats.