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  • Straight Perma ban no 72 hour warning.

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by Anax, Feb 15, 2014.

    1. Anax

      Anax New Member

      Aug 4, 2013
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      Offense: Use of Bots or Third-Party Automation Software

      1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?

      Been using both for about a year without any problems. Was using Quest at the time of perma ban.

      2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?:

      Latest - v2.5.9678.724

      3)If so, when was the last time?:


      4)What profile were you using?:

      Naut's pickpocketing.

      5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:


      6)What plugins are you using?:

      ShutUp AIML + LogMeOut + PimpMyGuild.

      7)How many hours per day did you bot for?:

      On average 3-4 on 2nd account while playing on main account. At the time of ban I had been botting for 5-6 hours on 2 accounts unmonitored.

      8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?

      At the time of ban Zero.

      9)How many auctions per day did you have?:

      At the week of ban zero, previous weeks 30-60.

      10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?

      At the time of ban I was also running PeerBlock to block B.net.

      Siegecrafter skip a few times.

      11)Was your account involved in gold selling?


      12)EU or US realm?


      13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?

      Paid account.

      I was given no 72 hour ban just straight up perma ban. Kinda harsh.

      It was my first time trying a pickpocketing bot, I ran it 6 hours unsupervised without problems so decided to run it 10 hours unsuperviced today however got permabanned about 5 hours inn.

      In combination I was also using PimpMyGuild which I think was the primary reason as alot of people seem to report the spam invites.

      I'm not at home atm, but I assume what happend is this; Excessive reports due to SuperGuildRecruiter + PimpMyGuild.
      GM Initiates converation while I'm botting unsuperviced (I only do this ~1 day per week) and checks my background processes: Honorbuddy & PeerBlock.

      I'm not too familiar with this but it's quite surprising that I got straight up perma ban without warning. Honorbuddy addons are setup to shut down if GM initiates conversation however I haven't tested this soooo..

    2. starlite68

      starlite68 Member

      Oct 30, 2013
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      that's not even a little bit surprising. thats always been the case for gathering / pickpocket bans.

      it's just that a year or 2 ago they used to always overturn the ban after appeal, now it usually stays and they ignore appeals.
    3. saltychip

      saltychip New Member

      Jan 11, 2013
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      I had two fresh accounts (they were 2 weeks old with multiple 85s from dualbox RAF) perma banned for doing dungeonbuddy and questing. I appealed 3 times all denied and it was first infractions on the account. Depends on who you talk to but now its pretty much always a perma ban then you appeal and hope you get a nice GM that will give you a 72hr change.

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