Hi, first of all I want to thank all people around Honorbuddy for their splendid work. I have a question about the combat behaviour of my toon with HB. I see my toon attacking a mob, walking towards it, then INTO the mob. Wow has a built in ability: the mob will move a bit away from your toon if you're too close. The mob walks away a step or two, my toon follows and -steps right INTO the mob again. This repeats until the mob is dead. While being not a technical problem, this might look odd for a bystander happening to be in the area. Anything I can do about that, maybe a setting or so?
there are settings if you click on the "Settings and Tools" button on honorbuddy, make sure the "Advanced Mode" check box is checked, and scroll down, you should see pull distance, make sure thats around 30 or so. however, if you its consistantly running into the mob, it might be a customclass issue, since customclasses handle combat. post a full log as an attachment, so i can take a look see. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/guides/9859-how-attach-your-hb-log-file-pictures.html
Hi again, thanks for your fast reply. I made a series of screenshots, I hope it makes at least a little clearer what I'm talking about. The series includes 3 turns of mob/toon. The distance setting you mentioned was set at 25, I made it 30, no change in behaviour (isn't that the range in yards at which HB will pull mobs...?) log (fight only): View attachment log.txt full log: View attachment 06.02.2012_22_07 2616 Logb.txt
if you are using a custom class its not working with hb just now, tried a few they all doing the same, then when going back to singular its screwed it up, reinstalling hb and sticking to singular fixes it, hope that helps....
I never used a "custom" class in the sense of downloading one from here and putting the files below the \CustomClasses\ directory. My install is a plain downloaded HB_2.0.0.5740. The only things I added are QuestBehaviours and Plugins from Kickzz' leveling profiles.
OK, too bad then. One of my friends who's leveling a retri paladin atm told me he had not seen this behaviour. Maybe I'll try another class then to see differences. Thanks anyway.