Doesn't even produce a log to post, sorry Exception is made on firewall, all other sorts of things are fine (was working 15 minutes ago). EDIT:::: Fixed itself, just spam ran it a few times as admin. Worked after the 2nd try
For anyone else wondering about this i know the issue here. The Issue is that you probably tabbed to WoW or anything else while HB was initializing and when the Custom Class selection came up it does not show. Which means you have to Alt + Tab to it and select a class.
I'm still having issues with this. I have been for a week and it just does not want to load. I've waited about 20 mins before trying again as well. *Edit: It seems that the only way to fix it is by running it as Admin. It doesn't matter if you tab out or anything.*
The Routine selection window now comes up right after you login. You must select your routine to get past "Initializing Flight Paths"
It wouldn't even come up it would just stay on "Initializing Flight Paths". I minimized everything looking for it as well.
I know that part. Hence why I minimized everything looking for it and it never popped up. Maybe someone can force it to be the top most window so this doesn't pose a problem for future buddy's.