I'm using the bot on a level 54 rogue, and there's a quest in Swamp of Sorrows that I had to do manually, and now the bot keeps going to the quest giver, but there's no quest to actually pick up. Here's the log as well.
Hey, have you tried closing & restarting HB, then re-load the current used profile and start the bot?
the quest is trying to pick [2:43:23 AM:537] Goal: Picking up Onward to the Blasted Lands is already done?
what your going to have to do is finish up the quests in the area manually, since there are some quests needed to unlock that one, its not going to move past till that quest is there. you and the profile are at completely different places. ether that or try a different profile in a different zone.
Or you could completly delete that quest chain. Had to do that in EPL because the starting quest was done and the following wasn't offered. Damn that was a long quest. Had to grind 2 lvls because of that. -.- (No exp boni etc.)
All the quests in Swamp of Sorrows are done, but the bot is still doing it. Also, how do I delete the quest line?
so you are stuck on this quest? Onward to the Blasted Lands - Quest - World of Warcraft Just open your profile and search for the ids 27919 and 25715 and delete everything containing them. like quest pickup, turn in, compile etc.
Yes, that's the quest that I can't pick up. I'm not entirely sure on what the process is in deleting said ids, so I may need further help.
<PickUp QuestId="27919" QuestName="Onward to the Blasted Lands" GiverId="17127" GiverName="Anchorite Avuun"/> <TurnIn TurnInId="9540" TurnInName="Enohar Thunderbrew" QuestId="27919" QuestName="Onward to the Blasted Lands"/ Do I just delete that entire thing, or do I have to delete everything with the ID '25715' too?