Using kick profile, 58-70, horde. All the plugins, ccs, and svns are all up to date. I've tried everything, but stuckhelper doesnt get me unstuck whatsoever anymore. Is there a newer version than stuckhelper .7? Is the azenius project better for horde at this level? I've leveled 8 alliance toons with kicks stuff no problem. Just having the biggest headache with gettin stuck and then being logged out or worse yet, being stuck and not logging out. Any tips or pointers would be appreciated, this thread is my last resort
if you have problems with the plugin you musr report them on plugin's also you can try Kick's profiles for Horde
i am using kicks profile (horde) right now. I've used the alliance one with no problems at all. Thats why i was wondering if azenius is a better route to go? I'll post a log when i get home on the plugin thread
are you using the plugins and QB stuff are needed? give us your log so we can check whats going on
object, usually really simple spots where if it actually moved 2 yards left or whatever, it would be fine
any update? its very frustrating. I have a shaman who doesnt get stuck and a druid who does. shaman doesnt get stuck but the druid does
not using stuck helper anymore. I aslo made a seperate Mesh folder for each copy of HB. (running 2 at the same time) seems to be working better. Maybe kicks profiles dont require stuckhelper anymore?