Well back 2 weeks ago, I was excited to try out honorbuddy again as it was always guaranteed to get me banned. My goal of getting banned started on my level 100 druid which I wanted to hand level to 110 so I can enjoy the game-play, but wanted some thing to help me with CR, which is why I chose HonorBuddy! I only ran CR's (singular) on this account and had just installed a fresh windows 7 with WoW being the only thing on the PC! After finally achieving 110 after about a week I decided I'll go spend some time with friends and have a few beers and what not. Today on this gorgeous fall day of November 10th I wanted to check out how Legion was doing since I left it to spend time with friend's! Logged into battle.net only to find I've been banned for 6 months! You can only imagine the excitement I was feeling travelling throughout my bones! I had finally reached my goal of getting banned!! I can honestly say I achieved my goal of getting banned, and through HonorBuddy you can achieve your aspirations and dreams of getting banned within a short time as well! I hope my story will inspire some of you to invest MORE money in HonorBuddy subscriptions and ALL of their WONDERFUL products, as I know I have! Thanks for the read, I wish you all good luck on your goal to achieving your ban!
I think that what ever reason I use HonorBuddy for will get me to the end goal of getting banned in a short amount of time!
as frosticus is saying use it to buy a few accounts and understand the thoughts behind the process you are trying to perform,hb has always proven to people trying to use if for CR or pve etc that it is a big waste of time because you are generally banned every fucking time you try to soak time into them for those reasons versus making back your investment money. get a few accounts going and think like you are going to be banned in a matter of 3 days, if you do that then you can utilize the time you have to get them sufficiently leveled/some gear from w-quests and within 3 day benchmark you should at least have gathered 500k or plenty more through 18hr-22hr sessions. once there protect your gold via a new battlechest account(don't ever attach bot to) use superguildinv to get yourself 25+ members within first day of just spamming the keybind invite button on that addon with a catchy guild advert and make lvl 1 bank alt on each of your bot accs and when full on mains just send it all over then have the bank toons deposit it all into last 2-3 bank tabs of guild that are made private so others can't see all of your work. once you have some time sell items here and there from the lvl 1 bank alts on the botting accs then deposit currency into gbank so you haven't sold any botted items from the mule and made it easier for them to tag them. you should at least be able to protect a few million gold and end up past your investment within a week maximum. don't spend the money on a legion acc and then sit there and try to have a CR help you and think you are going to end up with this beloved pve acc when the whole name of this game is to get banned and repeat. tldr; just bot gold
Yeah if you want you can purchase all of us new Wow keys so we all can be like you P we might enjoy the hole proccess a little more if your paying.LMFAO
That would take me about 15-20 hours played without a bot. So yeah, would be absolutely doable in 3 days botting.