My suggestion is a master password, or "owner" key that can be set and entered along with the key for the subscription that would force a session kill on that key. Seems like the perfect fix and simple enough to do.. and ARelog could easily compensate for it.
What about it? It doesn't allow you to set this function anywhere, and when you're afk botting(like most people) you aren't there to log into buddyauth to kill the session.
You're talking about Log On - Buddy Auth Portal? How do you kill your sessions with a relogger while afk when you've been disconnected or crash?
That is the issue, it NEEDS to be able to be done with a relogger! Please for the love of god stop talking me in circles and implement this so that reloggers can log us working folk back into our bots when we're botting for 10 hours at work and the isp goes out or comp/wow crashes.