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  • Suggestion for all you gold sellers :)

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by mansellboi, Feb 23, 2011.

    1. mansellboi

      mansellboi Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I keep reading threads about "How to sell gold" How not to get banned etc etc well i came across this.

      I was just thinking that since the 'traditional' method of being invited into a random guild, depositing gold into the gbank then deleting the character is a little too risky now, why not try something very close but hopefully less trackable?

      I'm guessing most people are making gold in somewhat smaller increments than what they try to sell to someone as a lump sum, so instead of using their gbank to deposit it, why not slowly accumulate the gold in your own gbank, then sell the entire guild itself?

      A deposit of 5-10k every other day wouldn't be very suspicious, (maybe bigger from person to person) and once you have your desired amount and a potential buyer, you would just need to invite them to the guild and pass guild master, leave the guild and possibly delete the char depending on who you made the guild with.

      I'd like to get some feedback on this because, to me, its sounding very plausible and the only problems I can see so far are if they investigate who started the guild to begin with, or if they looked at the transfer of GM itself(for whatever reason)

      Its just another suggestion, im always trying to find away to avoid that Email from Blizzard in relation to selling gold lol

      What do you guys think?
      Cheers mansellboi
    2. player8472

      player8472 New Member

      Dec 31, 2010
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      I'm selling Gold for some time now and never got banned for it and the buying accs have chinese IP's most of the time.

      Important is, that your auction-House char isn't the same one that's farming, course never ending on-times together with 200+ Aucions at a time seem to set the alert-flags to online...

      But since nobody really knows if and how Blizz really knows who's botting/selling Gold and who not it's just one of many (not proven) thoughts...
    3. florienb

      florienb New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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