Hi, i use HB mainly with lazyraider for BG's with groups and also with friends i play with. Especially with this 132 error causing havoc i am getting a lot of the auth failed max sessions error. in normal questing and things like that i am happy to wait the few minutes it takes but when it drops in a BG etc it wuld be good to get straight back in. My suggestion to resolve the issue where you cant is to have a "Kill Session" button on the login screen so you can kill your session and login. i am no coder so i don't know or understand if this is even possible, but i would love to have it so i can get right back in the action from wow's poor coding on this patch. Ta, and udo's for the bot. love it
but if your using a stolen key, i makes it that much easier for someone to keep killing your session, and creates more problems then it solves.
ahh didnt know there was an issue with that. maybe a password + key combo for the killing side? just spit balling, thanks for the reply though
then we have to add a lot more to the authentication side of the program, again not something we have time for, so its not really worth it for such a small feature.