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    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by Imnotyourbuddyguy, Apr 25, 2014.

    1. Imnotyourbuddyguy

      Imnotyourbuddyguy New Member

      Apr 25, 2014
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      Hey, I am fairly new at botting, I started on my diablo account and moved over to wow in hopes of making some gold. At first I thought the fastest way to make gold would be to have the bot farm ghost iron ore. After calculating how much gold per hour I was making it turned out to be roughly 70 gold over an 11 hour time period, if my auctions sell and they have already been undercut. I am on a highly populated alliance dominated realm. I am fairly interested in selling the gold I make but the way this is going I would make 80 cents a day for a 24hr botting profile. My self and any others who happen to read this thread in need of a way to increase gold per hour would greatly appreciate if you share your non-vague strategies with us on how you guys have become successful botters thanks for reading.

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