I came up with this idea thanks to DaSoul. I got suspended a day ago, and I was thinking just now after he told me, I should take frequent breaks during botting to make it seem more normal to the account. If there is such a plugin just ignore this thread or delete it. Here's my idea if not already created. A plugin or code that makes the character take a break after questing, grinding or whatever for so many hours, minutes, or seconds. If code, I was thinking of this ;<QuestOrder> ; <PickUp QuestName="Quest1" QuestId="000" GiverName="" GiverId="111" /> ; <TurnIn QuestName="Quest1" QuestId="000" TurnInName="" TurnInId="111" /> ; ;<TakeBreak> ;<Hotspots> ;<Hotspot X="-2" Y="-2" Z="-2" /> ;</Hotspots> ;</TakeBreak> ; ;<SetGrindArea> ; <GrindArea> ; <Factions>1 2 3 4 5</Factions> ; <TargetMinLevel>2</TargetMinLevel> ; <RandomizeHotspots>True</RandomizeHotspots> ; <Hotspots> ; <Hotspot X="-0" Y="-1" Z="-0" /> ; <Hotspot X="-1" Y="-0" Z="-1" /> ; </Hotspots> ; </GrindArea> ; </SetGrindArea> ; <Grindto Level="3"/> ; <Checkpoint Level="3" /> ;</QuestOrder> And then some kind of setting in HB that would set the time of the break it would take until starting up again. Me I want to watch over my account better I think I can live without such a plugin, but I thought I would throw the idea out there to people that don't have time to sit around and babysit their bot all day. Elim
To be honest; I've never had need of anything like that.... And I've leveled about 20 characters to 85 now.... Just make sure you don't let it run 24/7 and you should be okay. I generally have my characters questing for 8-12 hours per day, then log a different character and go PVP or herb/mine.