I'm serious take your time with the update I didn't have honor-buddy today but listening to every buddy freak out about how long it takes is annoying. I know we all paid for this some a lot of money but I for one paid for quality and if that means one day without Honor-Buddy then so be it. So take your time and thank you for making sure everything is up to par before release.
i agree with this post 100% i hope the arch buddy works good =p but all and all i love the bot so far its made me like 56k g so far in like 8-9 days so far with one toon farming around 12-14 hrs a day on and off and got a hunter to 38 in about 3-4 days i enjoy it =)
yup some important bug need to be fixed since some version like - bot target pet in priority, not player in BG/PVP