Looks like Blizz has started the cut backs... They state there is information in the PTR about Green gems changing from 9g each to less then 1g each this SUCKS for those of us that mine/sell/profit. Wonder what else they have in store ... Link to WoW Insider Patch 4.1: Lowered gem vendor prices spells end of Obsidium Shuffle
Guess they didn't want the equiv to Saronite Ore to Bar resale to stick around long.... My guess it was only that way to start with (the gems in Cata) to help people make money and now that the expans is going ok.. they want to tailor back some..
Looks like I'm going to be farming ore nonstop till 4.1 and then at that point I don't know if mining will be worth doing. I'll just stick to herbs. Sad day for sure. Really hoping that 4.1 is still a few weeks away.
From: Patch 4.1: Lowered gem vendor prices spell end of Obsidium Shuffle Update (8 April, 2011) Since logging onto the PTR to test, it appears that the uncut price for green quality gems remains 5g. This puts the new vendor floor for Obsidium is 29.74g per stack, and 26.8 for Elementium. These numbers were calculated at WoW Prospector by inputting 5g into the price field for each rare and uncommon prospecting result. Assuming that the reduction of the vendor price on the cut gems was intentional to reduce inflation, this may well be an oversight on Blizzard's part. If the PTR in this state goes to the live servers, the inflation problem will be reduced, but only by about half. If they elect to reduce the uncut gem price as well, then I'll stand by all the above analysis. Otherwise, the only real changes will be to the meta gem prices and ore prices.
LOL UnKnown you answered my questino as i posted it.. so 5g is better then 75s thats for sure I admit i sold a few stacks of uncut gems before i realized their cut values added 4g each. guess will have to resort to going back to that. 100g is better then 15g a stack right?
Yup bluepost confirms Jewelcrafting "Bold Carnelian, Solid Zephyrite, Subtle Alicite, Perfect Quick Alicite, Sovereign Nightstone, Regal Jasper, Resolute Hessonite, and any cut of uncommon gem now sells to NPC for 75 silver instead of 9 gold"